Hi, I'm The New Guy


Active Member
Here's our latest addition. Assume it's a dogface puffer but I'm open to better ID's. Bo. You know where he came from;)


Active Member
Mike, everytime I went over there, I couldn't believe he hadn't been sold yet. That peach color on his belly is just unreal. He eats like a pig too! Is he in the 125? He's just a plain 'ole dogface with some very nice coloration...Bo


Love those fish!!! Maybe on next new tank! But for right now I just set up a 120 G ......I dare not approach hubby for another year on a new tank....enjoy him!!!!!!:)


Active Member
Bo, that's exactly how I felt. I couldn't believe how long he stayed there. My wife has been wanting a large puffer for some time. We redid our 55 a while back and the puffer is in there. It's a transition home. Looking to make some big changes in the next year or so.


That is a nice dogface jumpfrog! His coloration is great!:)


Active Member
Yep! $60.00. (remember the first time you heard $20.00 for A fish and your heart almost stopped? where did my common sense go?) His colors are even nicer in person.
My wife is handfeeding him shrimp and silversides. Very tame already.