First and foremost, HAPPY NEW YEAR!. Okay here is the deal. My husband and I recently had to move my 40 gal. f/o because of new carpeting being installed. My fish (1 clown, 1 hawk and 1 wrasse) were in temporary housing for approximatley 30 minutes while we drained most of the water, moved the tank, returned water. The tank stayed in it's temp location for 4 1/2 days (with the fish in it). then we repeated the procedure and moved the tank to a new location. The new location is closer to my kitchen than before. After all of this information my question is this: Why are my fish hiding all the time? My clown hangs out in the far corner, the wrasse is in a whole in some rock and the hawk comes in and out of hiding. They all are around at feeding time but when you look at the tank anyother time, it looks empty. What happened and do my fish need counseling? (hahaha) Seriously, do I need to do anything or will they come around. This all happened about three weeks ago and they are not changing their actions.
Thank you!!
Thank you!!