Hide and Go seak Puffer

puff daddy 2

New Member
I got a porcupine puffer about 2 weeks ago and for about the past week I have thought he was slowly dieing because when I come home he is just burried in the rock and not moving. But I have dogs that I let out in the middle of the night and when I let them out he is swimming around in full force. I know they are nocturnal but all other puffers I have had and strayed from that for the most part and come out when I'm around the tank. Has anyone else had a Puffer who stuck to there noctural instincts for good. It sucks because he is a beautifal Puffer but no one gets to see him!!!


I'm just curious but how big is he?
I haven't confirmed this with anyone else, but I've seen my share of puffers and this is what I have noticed. Generally speaking, the more mature ones (say 4" and above) tend to be A LOT more social than the smaller baby puffers.
I've seen this myself with porky's and golden sapos (additionally with one other black sapo?? too).
Then again, maybe he's got some stars and stripes blood in him? :D Those puffers seem to do nothing but sit around!

puff daddy 2

New Member
He was young when I got him...Maybe only 2 inches for so and he might have gain half and inch or so since I got him though. He is in a tank with snails and a shrimp and hasnt even gone atfer them once which is great, but also a little unexpected.


IMO puffers have their own unique personality. He may just be shy at first. He may come around, may not. I'm sure when he gets a little older he/she will become more spastic.
my porcupine would lie down all day every day for about 9 months he would hardly even come out at night he would only come out to eat but after 9 months he swam all day.