hide and wont eat


if i unplug my tank my damels wont get any air in there so it will die and i am not going to plug it so it can die by the way i dont know what i am waiting for when i see got a test done today and it showed up 0 ammiona and 0 nirites isnt that what u arnt to wait for then add fish in right all i want is two tomota clown in there


oh yes by the way the pet shop told me that i have been in there have got shown that got 0 Ammonia, 0 Ammonia, 0 Nitrites and 5 , Nitrites she sed she has done the test for me and that she even even done the test for me 5 days after the damels was added and she tested again still the same didnt change anything she told me if u dont come in by the end of tradeing hours tommorw i will have to remove your fish as she as other things she wants to put in there


So what exactly are you asking now? We have given you good advice. Take it slow, but you just continue to rush everything. The last thread you had we told you the same thing and then you went and put downpayments down on your clownfish you wanted before your tank was 100% cycled. Is it really that big of a deal to wait a while for all of your parameters to level out? there is more to a tank than just the ammonia, nitirites and nitrates allthough these are the ones most commonly associated with the cycle. Just because your cycle is complete does not neccesarily mean you are ready for livestock. you need to check your PH levels, alkalinity and salinity and then it would help if they were somwhat close to the levels that your fish store has in their tanks so that the fish dont go into shock from a vast difference in waters.
If you want us to tell you "ya sure go ahead and add whatever you want it will be just fine" I dont think that is going to happen. If you are not willing to take your time with this (and when i say time I mean it may take months or it may take a week) then my best suggestion is just like Ashleigh said, take the fish back to the store see if you can get your money back or some of it and sell the remainer of the parts in your tank to someone who is willing to put in the time effort and money that is required to keep healthy livestock.
Its very time consuming and money consuming and requires a ton of patience.
You keep telling us you are getting frustrated with the process which is an indicator you are not ready for the commitment of having a saltwater tank.
Ive tried to be as helpfull as I can be throughout your last thread and this one, but if you will not listen to advice then I have nothing more to say.


ok my ph is 82 carbonate hardness 120 salinity is 33 so what do i need to wait for now what do i need to test for how will i know when i am ready for fish in you say it can take 1 week and or it can take 4 weeks ?


i am starting to wake up to myself now i was getting a bit angry becuase i did spned over $600 to just set up a 12 gallon fish tank but then again i look at my damels and i think to myself i made it i have kept a marine fish in there for 5 days and so there for the $600 was wroth it i never knew it would be this much trouble and i was kinda counting on onced i cycled you could add whatever fish u wanted to i know i can only leave the damels in and two clown fish but that might be pushing it i do know i was pushing it but what i dont get is what am i waiting for now i do know with fresh water fish u only get mabye 2 at a time then wait a few days if u wanted to add more what is really troubleing me is that i really dont know what i am waiting for lol ??


The thing you are waiting for is to understand your tank, perhaps buy the test kit yourself that way you will learn to understand what is actually being tested. It takes a while to get a grip on everything to begin with, but that is what you need to do before adding any more fish.
Get your damsel eating if he isnt already, if you cant get 1 fish to eat, what makes you think that you are going to get 3 to eat??
Being patient is hard, but that is the only way you are going to get it right, you have had a damsel for 5 days and it is yet to eat, that to me indicates you are struggling, find alternative food, try feeding at different times of day, you need to learn a bit more before putting any more fish in the tank.
My first tank I had just a clown, and left it that way, the tank was about the same size as yours, after reading, I learnt that one small thing could happen in a tank that size and if you dont have a clue what you are doing, then chances are the fish are going to die as you are unable to figure out what to do to correct the problem. My first tank cycled for 3 weeks, but left it for 4 before putting a fish in, and i also did all my own testing, so by the end of the 4 weeks, i actually knew what it was i was testing and i could see the changes in the tank as things progressed and began to understand it more. Just remember to be patient, you arent going to get anywhere if you cannot be patient, adding more fish before you can handle 1 is not a smart move.


i think it has been eating it just hiding i was told becuase its on its own thats why its hideing and will come out if i added a yellow tail damels which i dont want to do and its scared to eat the food thats why its hiding but i seen it today looking for food down in the gravel


the fish is has came out and has been swimmig around for the last two hours which is a good sign for once lol and its colour has came back you know how be4 some of you sed i wouldnt know what to do if some thing went wrong in my tank well if i cant do anything what can you do that i cant do ?>


wow dude i am not usually a negative person but.....

if you know everything to do( i think your last statement was what can we do that you cant) why are you on here. all these people take there time to give you the best advice possible (unlike your LFS). i have been following your threads and posted a few notes to ya but mostly i get a chuckle out of them. patients is the key there is more to your tank than peramiters. mine has been running now 8 months and when i add something i am adding it knowing things are right. i can do that because i have learned my tank. i can look at the water and know there is an issue. you will not get this knowledge letting everyone do your work for you. get a test kit test your own water get a good book read and learn. if you are unwilling to do this please dont waste anyone else time. thats all i have to say.......


Originally Posted by david12
the fish is has came out and has been swimmig around for the last two hours which is a good sign for once lol and its colour has came back you know how be4 some of you sed i wouldnt know what to do if some thing went wrong in my tank well if i cant do anything what can you do that i cant do ?>
KIDS!! they KNOW everything, lol. look David, Damsels are the marine equivalent to feeder goldfish. if you cant keep a Damsel your NEVER gonna have any sucess in this hobby. maybe you bought a sick fish, or maybe your constantly messing with the tank and its spooked. leave it alone and eventually it will acclimate itself and start eating or it will die. the WORST thing you can do right now is add more fish.