hiding anenome


New Member
I have a bta that has gone into hiding .. before he went into hiding i had 160 watts of flourescent lighting in 75gal tank he was positioned toward the top approx 8" from light seem to be doing fine, oh i have only had him since 03/23/06. now i have 340 watts of compact lights ane he has went to the underside of the rock out of the light for 4 days now kinda hard to feed him upside down i also have a maroon clown that has made permanent residence with him, is this behavior normal ... all help appreciated... thanks paul


Yeah, The BTA doesnt care whether you can see it or not, front or back of tank, all the same to him!! It seems like they always head for the back of the rock when you first get them and eventually, hopefully will end up back front under the lights again. The lighting change was probably enough to send him scooting for a while. When mine split, the smaller part anchored itself into a hole on the same rock and withdrew completely into the hole, then moved to the back and underneath. The main BTA stayed in its favorite spot, the largest rock in the middle of the tank with its foot buried deep in a crevice.
you can move your rock around and see if it will stay positiooned or just keep an eye on it. It may eventually move back up and out into the lights again.


I bet yours is reacting to the lighting change. It's almost two months now to say it's the initial symptom with BTAs.
You're doubling the lighting suddenly and he may just not like it. Just wait some time to get an adjustment and he may reposition somewhere else in the aquarium (maybe a lil deep? who knows.. depends on him ;))


New Member
thanks he looks ok from what i can see and i know the light change was probably a blast but he has crawled completely under the rock out of the light . do you know how long they will stay in the dark ???????


BTAs (if not all anemones) are slow responders. It may take up to one week for it to adapt to the new lighting and then will start relocating.