Hiding Canary Wrasse


I added this fish to my display tank on Sunday. He was fine yesterday and eating well last night. He has not appeared today, though. I don't know whether to go "hunting" for him, or keep waiting a while longer. I just fed the rest of my fish, and he didn't appear then.
I have two cleaner shrimp and two scarlet hermits, and they don't seem to be congregating in a specific location to "clean up" after a death...but....
Any help is appreciated!


Staff member
Wrasses bury themselves in the substrate. When I first started in the hobby...way back when....I got a wrasse too and had the same exp. I finally saw his tail sticking out of the sand and thought he'd died and been burried. Well, when I went to get him out, he was anything but dead!
Just their behavior. Don't worry unless he's missing for a few more days.


New Member
Don't go hunting for him! He has only been in since Sunday. Let him settle down and come out when he is ready.


Thanks for the advice. I will keep waiting and hope that he reappears soon. He's a great little fish, I'd hate to lose him!


He finally reappeared today! (Saturday) I truly thought he was dead after being hidden for almost a week, but he was happy and eating this morning. I have never had a fish hide for that long after being introduced to the tank...thanks again for the advice. I'm sure I would have terrified him if I would have hunted for him on Monday.


I have had a canary wrasse for about a year know. They are great and virtually indestrctable. I lost a whole tank of fish due to a stubborn ick outbreak. The wrasse was the only survivor (not even one spot develloped on him!).
Lately, however, my wrasse has been hiding aswell. Never has in the past. Seems to be spooked for some reason. <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" />