Are fire shrimps prone to hide all the time??? I got one on Saturday and after acclimated him and put him in the tank, he right away went to the corner behind a powerhead. Should I be worried about anything??
Here's my reading last night:
pH 8.3
ammo 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 10
cal 460
PO4 sky high
Could PO4 be the problem?? All my other inverts (1 emerald, 2 turbos, 5 nassarius snails) are doing fine. Fishy are good. Is the fire shrimp just shy or what???
Here's my reading last night:
pH 8.3
ammo 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 10
cal 460
PO4 sky high
Could PO4 be the problem?? All my other inverts (1 emerald, 2 turbos, 5 nassarius snails) are doing fine. Fishy are good. Is the fire shrimp just shy or what???