Hiding Green star Polyps???


New Member
My Green star polyps are hiding, I add them to the aquarium on Thursday and seen them emerge once in a while but no sign of life today? My salinity was a little high (1.026) and I brought it down to 1.023 this morning. Do you think I have done them some harm? My water chemistry seems to be ok. Am I seeing a transition period here and things are going to get better with time?
Regards, George :notsure:


Active Member
sometimes it can take a week for some corals to fully come out. I'd give it a little more time. Mine took a couple days for them to fully come out and then the next day, nothing. And now they are doing great!
Oh yea and positioning is everything!! try moving it to a higher or lower flow area. I have a toad stood that is picky.


It often times takes things a little while to get used to their new home. If it lasts for several days I would start to worry. They are normally quite hardy but somewhat sensitive to Iodine I found out- Also, I don't think that 1.026 is really all that high, I would say 1.023 is a tad bit low actually, either way that wouldn't be enough to cause them to close up if they were acclimated correctly. Guess what I'm saying is this: Give it a couple of days.