Hiding Niger Trigger


New Member
Is it common for a niger trigger to be extremly shy. He was put into 75 gallon two days ago with no other fish, but since then he is only seen every hour then as soon as he sees me back to the hole that he has dug under some live rock. Any help???
If he's straight from the LFS its totally normal man. It might take him a few days to get used to the tank and the idea of something watching him. Not to scare you but he might just have that type of personality. A buddy of mine has a trigger than constantly hides in caves, but in my opinion he should warm up. He may be an aggressive fish, but he still needs time like any other fish. Give him a couple weeks, he should come around....especially when he gets the feeding cycle down.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AquariumRookie
If he's straight from the LFS its totally normal man. It might take him a few days to get used to the tank and the idea of something watching him. Not to scare you but he might just have that type of personality. A buddy of mine has a trigger than constantly hides in caves, but in my opinion he should warm up. He may be an aggressive fish, but he still needs time like any other fish. Give him a couple weeks, he should come around....especially when he gets the feeding cycle down.
Yeah, fish aren't too bright, but they still have individual personalities. I've seen a niger eat within minutes of being put in the DT and I had one that acted like yours for almost a week. Quite often, the smell of a little food will get them out for a while. Most triggers get over this and become real up-front fish.


Originally Posted by srfisher17
Yeah, fish aren't too bright, but they still have individual personalities. I've seen a niger eat within minutes of being put in the DT and I had one that acted like yours for almost a week. Quite often, the smell of a little food will get them out for a while. Most triggers get over this and become real up-front fish.
i agree i've seeen Nigers very active and plenty of personality and some you dont see till food comes out but just let him/her get use to his/her suroundings
good luck with your new trigger


Active Member
It can take some time for the fish to feel safe out and about in the tank . Its extremely natural .
I took in an orphan damsel that the LFS couldn't GIVE away . He was a terror and would attack anything put in his tank . It took this monster close to 6 weeks but now he will come to the surface when I feed him . Next step will be getting him to eat from my hand .