Hiding purchase from spouse?


My wife knows this stuff is rather expensive and sees that I have probably spent a better part of 2-3000 in the past 6 months but fortunately she loves me very much and knows my hobbies are something i care very much for and she always backs me on what i want to do.
I guess the other fortunate thing is we own our own business that i run and she also has a full time job in medical so we have money that we can put into our hobbies as well.
Bottom line...IMO...
if she asks ya need to be honest about it. if she does not ask i would not "volunteer" the information.


My girlfriend always tells me that she comes in 3rd, after Football(Man UNITED !) and my fish, which i guess she accepts, however has caused a few fights over being late, spending too much time with my tank and not enough with her. She does enjoy the hobby and comes to the fish shop with me so i assume what i spend doesn't bother her.


Active Member

what you are probably forgetting is that your spouse is probably doing the same thing.

lol Ive caught my wife in a few unexplained purchases;). She did not lie to me about it just conveniently didn't mention it. No biggie as I'm concerned. As long as its not bill money she has a life too.
A suggestion to everyone don't let money come between you and your spouse;)


Ya know something? I don't keep track of how much I've spent on this hobby. I don't want to know. But I ALWAYS inform my wife of any purchases I'm going to make and how much they are going to cost so she knows it's expensive. I think that's only fair. I do the leg work and we both enjoy the results. When people come to the house, they go straight to the tank and ooh and ahh. It's all worth it.;)


Active Member
The last time was when I bought my 55 and she walked downstairs and saw it, asked "how much was that?". I told her as much as her shoes cost that she bought the day before. She didn't say another word....:D



Originally posted by doodle1800
I told her as much as her shoes cost that she bought the day before. She didn't say another word....:D

Isn't that the truth LOL.


I "prep" her for the major expenses (like when I bought new lights), but just buy want I want otherwise. If she asks, I tell her, but I don't announce any additions because then I get the look.


I don't think my husband WANTS to know how much it all costs.
And you guys are all going to think I'm a big creep, but I've also managed to hide the past 3 horses I've gotten off the track:eek: from him.


Active Member

Originally posted by doodle1800
...as much as her shoes cost that she bought the day before. She didn't say another word....:D

:eek: holy cow...I'm not going where she shops for shoes!If they cost that much, they better do the walkin' for me :D
My wife is addicted too, so it is much easier. She keeps threatening that she will take the credit cards and buy what stuff she wants for the fish if I don't build it myself........namely a new hood for the 150. We both do research and look for the best deals. She wants to spend more money on the fish that she wants, queen angel, blue ribbon eel etc.


Active Member

Originally posted by scobenny
I have never meet any women who love sw fish:mad:

Then you are not looking in the right places.
As to the money thing, heck I even have to lie to myself about how much we spend:eek:


my wife still thinks the LFS guy threw a euro-reef skimmer in the deal when I paid him 100 dollars for a custom built sump. Man I am terrible.


My bf never says anything about what I spend on the tank. He wouldn't dare because there is this VERY BIG, VERY shiny peice of metal out in the driveway that takes way way way more than the tank we have and its not EVEN for regular use. See its 2002 dream truck.... not any truck. THEE truck and I think he needs to spead about another 1000.00 more on a bubble for that thing. Last night I believe he was going to wipe the DUST off it!@ hahaha
SO he is wise not to add up or tease me about my hobby. :rolleyes:


Active Member

Originally posted by scobenny
I have never meet any women who love sw fish:mad:

I'm a woman. My husband isn't really to into this hobby.....I earn good money and pay for half of the house payment, half of all the other household bills and all of my own clothes, shoes, medical and personal items....and put 15 percent away in my 401K each month. My husband doesn't dare tell me what I am allowed to do with the rest of the money that I earn! When I buy something new for the tank the reciept never makes it in the door, and I pay my credit card bill! Lesley

sinner's girl

i should have equal to spend
I told that to my husband about what he spends on stuff for his car...it didn't work. but we don't spend any money (other than water) on the tank anymore, so there is no need to hide what's spent. When it come to buying stuff for his car he'll tell me what he wants, i'll ask what it does and why does he need it, then I'll ask how much. i don't really care what he spends, as long as there is money to pay for bills. If I found he lied about how much he spend, I'd want to know why he lied and that would just cause problems that aren't worth it.
oh and I'm a women and I love swf. I'd spend more money on the tank if we had money (we're both grad students)


somehow in my house it's ok to spend $90 on (what my wife calls) a pretty fish but I never hear the end of it when I spend $40 on a new filter or heater or other small but very needed item to keep the dang fish alive. Funny how that works. :rolleyes:
At least I made her understand the the puffer will not work in my reef tank, full of crabs, and other tasties for it to eat.