Hiding Sailfin Tang


New Member
I have a sailfin tang that has been in the tank for a couple of weeks. He has stayed pretty hidden, I see that he will come out and feed but hides as soon as anyone enters the room. It's driving me crazy, as he is a beautiful specimen and should be out showing off. I'm thinking that maybe moving some of the rockwork around might help shake things up. Any ideas?


give it some time let the fish acclimate to the tank and get comfortable with it. then she should be out more in he open, i think if you rearrange the rocks she will hide longer because of the stress you would create plus it would confuse her even more


Give it time. It tool mine about a month to start comming out. He is just acclimating to his new environment.


Active Member
First welcome to the board!
2nd, he should be better in time. Something that helps is paying frequent visits to the tank. If you go close to the tank often he'll get used to you being there and not become afraid. Even if you don't see him, he'll know you're approaching.
They're gorgious tangs.
Good Luck!
What other kinds of fish are there in the tank? And what are the tank stats? It's possible that something else could cause it, just to get all bases covered and make sure it is just moving stress. :)


i have a sailfin tang and he is very agrivating! He has killed a unicorn tang,2 naso tangs,covict tang,powder brown tang and ablue hippo tang so be careful!!!


Active Member
imo sailfin tangs are extremely shy and it takes them a little while to get used to the tank it took my sailfin about a month and a half to come out and be friendly


I have had my Sailfin for a lil over a year....dont remember him hiding or anything but now i cant even walk in the living room without him thinkin its feeding time. He will actually eat out of my hand too. I love mine........