hiding trigger


I just got a 4 inch undulated trigger from my lfs a few days ago and was just wondering if it takes them a few days to get used to the new surrondings and start to be active. He is just sitting in a cave in the live rock and dosent really come out. He is not breathing hard and he looks great (no visible parasites, clear eyes, no scars) He is currently the only fish in the tank. Water is perfect. Just wondering if it is gonna take him a few days before he starts comming out.


oh and also when i feed him he comes out of his hiding spot, takes the food and goes back into his cave and eats it there.


Active Member
A very long time ago....and I mean back in the 70's I had an Undalated. As I recall...he was a hider. He would come out but this guy liked to hide. A very mean fish but he liked to stay hidden for some reson. Sure this is not common but my only experiance with an undalated. He was probably shy...yeah right!


If i peek my head into my room i see him swimming around all over the tank but as soon as he sees me he goes and hides. I guess it is just gonna take a while for him to get used to people. Hopefully he will associate people with food so he will come out when he sees someone because he is a great looking fish. I guess we will just have to wait and see.


Active Member
Just be careful of what you add to your tank. THey can be very agressive...they usually associate food with whatever moves in the tank.


Triggers should be the last fish added to your tanks due to their overly aggressive nature. I hope you're not planning on adding any new fish, and if so, make sure the fish is of comparable tempermant and size. My LFS had me add a trigger to help cycle my first tank and ever since then, It's been increasingly difficult to add fish..but doable.


if i were you i wold not get any other fish because unlulated triggers are one of the most agressive fish.



Originally posted by copper
if i were you i wold not get any other fish because unlulated triggers are one of the most agressive fish.

I know this and that is why i got him. I do not plan on adding any other tank mates. My roommate has a 75 reef so I decided to have just a single agressive fish. I was just concerned at first because all he did was hide but now he is out a lot more. I guess he was just getting used to new surrondings


From my experiences, trigger fish can be very shy.
I have a Niger and it took a very long time(several months) for him to become comfortable around me. He still freaks out when I have visitors or others around.
Some tips I can give you. Some things I've noticed...
Move slowly when around the tank, especially when feeding. I tend to sit by the tank for quite some time when feeding the fish. That kinda trains them to know that me=food= good. And NEVER tap the tank(obviously) or the stand its on.
This will make the fish a little less likely to freak out.


New Member
i have a undulated trigger that only hides for about a minute when i go in my room then comes out and acts like i am not even there. i can even put my face right by him and he doesnt care a bit. i think you should just give him a little time


New Member
My undulate was like that maybe for a week.. Now when i enter the room he charges the side of the tank at me like hes going into attack mode... hes very social and likes to cause "hell" in the tank.. within the first week, Happy decided he wanted to move all the sand from the right side of the tank to the left.. he also likes to fight with the heater. haha.. This is my first aggressive fish ever, i think hes a riot!!



Originally posted by pitbull01
What fish do you have with your undulate?:happyfish

a domino damsel, snails and hermits and a huge hermit


New Member
I dont have anything with mine- hes too aggressive. I noticed I had a little bit of alge and put a small hermit in there just thinking it would at least help--- he lasted about 4 seconds.


Wingslfy...that picture cracks me up. He looks like a grumpy old man with a long beard and a party hat on. :)



Originally posted by morefire66
i hope to get rid of my trigger the minute i catch him..too aggressive for me

what kind of trigger is it?


New Member
Wingslfy...that picture cracks me up. He looks like a grumpy old man with a long beard and a party hat on.
:confused: :jumping: