

Hello everyone,
I just purchased A 40 gallon tank for my father
{(75lbs of LR, 45lbs of LS, 2x65 watt PC lights, Korlia (SP?) 1, 2 other power heads (idk what company), Redsea protein skimmer and penguin filter.....}
but am facing an issue I have never experienced. I did no know that when I baught the tank I got a white anemone and I think a purple carpet anemone that is about to split.
After I set the everything up again the anemone moved over to the rocks and seemed to start getting settled in. This morning I turned the lights on to see the white one had moved behind my rock wall into a spot I can barley see him. The h20 is balanced and the ph is perfect. The tank came from someone who had it for almost 4 years.
Should I try to move the anemone or leave it alone? and what could be causing this action? stress?


Active Member
Leave it alone, most likely it is stressed because your lights are inadequate. Carpet anemones aren't white. You need to upgrade your lights IMO


Active Member
your father had this tank for 4 years?how long did he have the anems with these lights,and what are your water test results with numbers


no no no... I baught the tank from a guy who had the nems under 135 watts of pc for abut 6months (they came with the tank and stuff i baught). I went to my LFS and they told me that they should be fine but my sebea nem (thats what I think the white one is) is just stressed and that my carpet is not a carpet but infact a mushroom coral (never baught coral before so I had no idea)


Active Member
Yes, my post still stands, you do not have nearly enough quality lighting to support ANY type of anemone, and MOST hard corals. Mushrooms and the sort will be fine, but anything requiring medium to intense lighting will not survive.
Either upgrade your lighting or give the anemone to someone who has the proper environment.
Is the anemone almost see through? Like is it a milky white with colored tips or is it almost see through?
Don't mean to sound harsh, i'm just suprised someone dumped this on you w/o the proper knowledge or equipment. 135 watt is not enough for an anemone - i don't care what your LFS says.
Not trying to be harsh, just don't want you to think 'well it will be okay' - because it won't and your anemone will be dead within a year under that environment. Ask us questions, we are here to help :p


no i appreciate the words of thought!!
I was really shocked when I got there and found the nem in the tank. It is white with I think actualy a neon greenish shade of on the tips (idk i might have made that up I just dont remeber haha).
OK well what I think I am going to do is sell the nem back to my lfs because I really dont need to have it die and "F" up the chemical levels in my tank and I especially dont want to buy a whole new light set up for what was going to be either a FOWLR or soft coral reef tank


quick update...
So i get to the office today (thats where the tank is) and I turn on my daylight and look behind the rock and see my nem is attached to rock it has been hanging out around and looks great!
I know everyone said the lights arnt strong enough but im gonna give it a few more days and see if he either moves to a new spot or if my turning the rock around it will be happy...
If the nem looked sick or deflated or anything I would have pulled him out this morning but since it is attached I think I am going to leave it for a little while


Active Member
Just because the anemone is attached to a piece of rock doesn't mean it is in a healthy environment. You can keep the anemone for as long as you'd like, it is your tank. Just know that with those lights your anemone will die in the long run. Sorry, but the day-to-day looks of the anemone doesn't mean it is healthy, or that it will be healthy later on.
I wish you luck.


Active Member
Originally Posted by FLBOYINOHIO
Well I belive you lex I really do but here is one last question? what If i spot fed it every day or 2?
spot feeding it will only slow down the inevitable with your existing lights