New Member
One of my customers has:
A 90 gallon tank w/ over 100lbs of live rock, approx. 70lbs of sand.
Blonde Naso, Yellow tang, Sixline, 2 Green Chromis, 1 Percula, Solarensis Fairy Wrasse
A couple blue leg hermits, a couple Emerald crabs, one or two sand stars
Toadstool, Frogspawn, Mushrooms, Green star polyps, Long tentacle plate, Red Trach, Green zoos
Red Sea Berlin X2 Turbo Skimmer
4x96watt PCs
Parameters are:
Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate undetectable
pH 8.4
Calcium 300ppm
Alk 16dKH!!!!!!
Salinity 1.023
There was definately Calcium fallout at one point. Nothing is being dosed right now, for the past Month there has been 2 30gallon water changes done which has lowered the Alk from 17 to 16dHK. I would like to know what I can do to lower the Alk so we can get the Calcium back up. The only thing that has seemed to be affected by this is the green zoos. All the other corals are doing excellent. Thanks.
A 90 gallon tank w/ over 100lbs of live rock, approx. 70lbs of sand.
Blonde Naso, Yellow tang, Sixline, 2 Green Chromis, 1 Percula, Solarensis Fairy Wrasse
A couple blue leg hermits, a couple Emerald crabs, one or two sand stars
Toadstool, Frogspawn, Mushrooms, Green star polyps, Long tentacle plate, Red Trach, Green zoos
Red Sea Berlin X2 Turbo Skimmer
4x96watt PCs
Parameters are:
Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate undetectable
pH 8.4
Calcium 300ppm
Alk 16dKH!!!!!!
Salinity 1.023
There was definately Calcium fallout at one point. Nothing is being dosed right now, for the past Month there has been 2 30gallon water changes done which has lowered the Alk from 17 to 16dHK. I would like to know what I can do to lower the Alk so we can get the Calcium back up. The only thing that has seemed to be affected by this is the green zoos. All the other corals are doing excellent. Thanks.