high alk, need advise

just checked my levels, as i am currently trying to raise my calcium level from 300, have been using BIonic since last Thursday, also using marine buffer once a week and reef builder once weekly.
my alk keeps going up right now it is 5.0, it was 4.5 on sunday.
here are all of my levels.
sg 1.025
ammonia 0
trites 0
trates 0
pH 8.3
Ca 300
Alk 5.0
temp 78
75g tank, 50lbs lr, 40lbs ls, 1 star, 2 fire fish, 1 lawnmower blenny, 1 cleaner shrimp, 1 peppermint, 10 nasarius snails and 10 hermit crabs.
2 up for 2 months.
i wanted to ask if my alk is too high and how do i raise the Ca, do i need to raise to dose of BIonic? only use the #2?