High alkalinity? What do I need to do


New Member
NO2 is 0.2, ammonia 0.25 PH 8.0
and Alk is measuring high.. Temp of tank is 79(supply all info so someone can help)Do I need to do something about this.
Yesterday I cleaned out my filters, skimmer and some of my equipment all with fresh water. Tank looks clean fish all act normal. Anemonies seem to be drawn in a little. I also added some bioenzyme to help with my nitrates that were high last week.


Your Anemoneis are probably with drawn because of the ammonia and nitrite. Your ph is also on the low side.
How high is your alk, and what level is your calcium.
What type of filtration do you have?


carbonated water helps--but I'd worry about the ammonia first if i were you--always prioritize.


New Member
My test only measures high or low and the alk is high. I have no way to measure calcium. I put some calcium(argonite) supplement in every night. I also had put in some bioenzyme that the LFS said will help get nitrates and amonia in check. I think I may be overfeeding my fish.
So how do I get amonia levels down do I need to do another water change.
I'm new to this so any help will be great


New Member
I forgot I have a bak pak protein skimmer. It had been a while since I cleaned it out and yesterday the filter was pretty dirty. The water is much more clear today than it has been. Should I add more hermit crabs to help with nitrates?


Get a test kit that will give you a number. I would get salfert test kits for alk and calcium. Can't really help you until you do that.
What filter did you clean? If you just cleaned out your bio filter with tap water you ruined it. This would cause a mini cylce which may be what is happening.
And yes do a water change to reduce your amonia but also find the source.
2boyz: Not an authority on chemistry but pretty sure you are wrong. Alk in its proper levels helps maintian ph at 8.3. If alk is high then you could get a higher ph reading and conversly low alk low ph because the buffering capisity is reduced giving way to animal waste which is acidic. Thus driving the ph towards 7.