high Alkalinity


hi there
I have a nano tank 10gls. small soft corals in it and 2 perculas, I do all the basics rules, water changes, water flow, red leves twce a week to keep close monitor.
All my leves are OK even PH 8.2, Ammonia 0, Nitrite nitrate 0, Calcium 420, but my alkalinity is 16.8
So I don’t know why is causing,
I use RO water, red sea coral salt, or instant ocean salt.
Adds on:
Daily I add 2.5 mls of Nano Reef by Kent Marine Part A, and 2.5mls of part B
Every 4 days. Kent Marine strontium & molybdenum.
Small Feed ones a day (morning) and every 3 days feed my anemone.
Some rocks are brown but the tanks is 2 month old. maybe the clicle is still running.
What do I need to do to get the alkalinyty down and what happen if it does not go down? Do I have to stop adding nanreef? and put only Calcium one a week?
Thanks a lot.[/FONT]


OK, I was off searching what that nano reef stuff is and apperantly, that part B side of it, is an alkalinity buffer. So, I would first stop adding that. To be really specific, you don't need either of the suplements, but I know a lot of people like to add a bunch of stiuff to the water.
Your calcium levels are good, and I assume you don't have corals to deplete that, so the levels will stay good, provided your salt mix has good levels.


Originally Posted by Tizzo
OK, I was off searching what that nano reef stuff is and apperantly, that part B side of it, is an alkalinity buffer. So, I would first stop adding that. To be really specific, you don't need either of the suplements, but I know a lot of people like to add a bunch of stiuff to the water.
Your calcium levels are good, and I assume you don't have corals to deplete that, so the levels will stay good, provided your salt mix has good levels.

Thanx a lot.
-What could whith the alcalinitty so hight? and whats is the safe range 7-10?
So I will stop using the supplement nanoreef. to if it goes down looking to my Calcium, Im not have any hard Stony corals but I wil buy some in latter on as soon as my LR star to get some coral algea.
Thank you a lot.


You want your alk between 8 and 10dkh.
Lemme warn you though, a few stonies will not deplete your calcium levels much and contrary to popular opinion, neither will coralline. They USE calcium, but regular water changes will replienish the levels faster than the corals and algae will use it up...
I think I had in excess of 15 stonies before I noticed that I had to supplement my calcium and alk.