High Alkalinity


Could anyone tell me what the setbacks would be to having a high alkalinity? Everything that I have found about alkalinity talks about fixing low alk. I use the Red Sea test kits, so the alkalinity only shows "high." What are some other reliable test kits that people use? Maybe I should switch.
PH: 8.2
Nitrate: 10ppm
Nitrite: .02
Alk: High (wish the Red Sea test showed numbers)
Salinity: 1.024
30 gallon Oceanic Cube
I do need to get a calcium test kit, as I recently added my first corals (all softies). Would a high calcium level raise the alkalinity???

I would definitely appreciate any help. Thanks.


Active Member
I wouldn't stress over it unless it is truly high. Does your test kit define "high?" Try calling the company. I would bring a sample to the LFS and get a number. Chances are unless you add buffer you don't have high alkalinity. Could just be on the high end of what is recommended which isn't a problem.


I will try to bring a sample to the LFS tonight. Any recommendations on a better test kit that actually gives the numbers. The Red Sea kit only gives a color chart with low, normal and high on the side. I did a water change last night, so hopefully by the time I get home from work the alkalinity will be normal.