High Ammonia Levels


New Member
Help!!!! I have a 46 gal tank. Its been up since Nov. 04. Recently changed filter To a trickle wet/dry from a cannister wet/dry. Left both filters running to establish bacteria in new filter. (for over a month). Took of old filter about 3 weeks ago. Ammonia levels shot up.
Fish population now is
1 maroon clown
1 pacychromis
1 bird wrasse
2 gammar (magenta and yellow)
2 Hermit crabs
2 Yellow tail damsels
1 6 line wrasse

Lost so far:
Lemonpeel Angel
Banner fish (one of my favorites)

Female Bird wrasse
Have been adding Kardon water conditioner to cut Ammonia and 1 packet of Algone
HELP!!! :notsure:


Active Member
I am sorry that this is only your second post on the board (welcome!!!) but - you had all that in a 46 g tank? The tank was WAY overstocked and doomed, IMO to crash or have a major disease outbreak. I am sorry that you have lost so many fish but it is imperative, IMO, truly imperative for you to lower the bioload. I have 2 fish in a 45g and thought I might get a third ...or very unlikely a 4th...in there. Yikes!
Water changes, reduce feedings, reduce bioload (IMO, the clown, 2 gramma, chromis, 2 damsels and 6 line are PLENTY...and probably too much and shouldn't have been approached until the year mark). The bird wrasse should be returned ASAP.
Do you have Live rock?
Keep in mind some ammonia reducing additives will interfere with the results of certain types of test kits. I would also suggest getting the water tested at the LFS to rule out any issues with the test kit.
You have found a very good place to ask questions and I am sure you will be helped. But the golden rule of the hobby is patience, and without it tanks have big trouble :(