High Ammonia

My ammonia is still high ( 0.25 +)... I moved some LR a few weeks ago, and ever since it has been this high. I do not over feed, in fact, Ive cut back on feeding the past couple weeks.
I have a 20 Gallon Long, with 2 Perc's, 2 Peppermints, 1 Emerald Crab, 10 scarletts, and 1 Turbo Snail. 20 lbs LR.
I have done 2 water changes since this happened, and no readings have changed on my own kit or the LFS test kit. All other readings are okay.
Is it my filtration ? I only have a Penguin 125 Bio-Wheel.
Any suggestions??? :mad:


I'm not sure but I think you might need a little more circulation.
not sure, but I'll give you a bump


I have heard that moving live rock can cause some dead stuff to fall out and cause a mini cycle. I am not sure though but I have of this before.



Originally posted by Aaron Childs
I have a Maxi Jet 600 and an AquaClear 201 ...I would think thats enough. Anyone else?:confused:

Sorry didn't see it wrote in you post