High Ammonia


I just added 66 lbs of live rock to my tank and my ammonia levels have jumped out of sight. I made sure to wash the rock good before I added it to my tank, but for some reason I still have the spike. I already had 1 fish die and my others aren't doing very good. I also did a 25% - 30% water change and the levels are better, but I just wanted to find out if there is something better for me to do and how to fix this problem. I appreciate any and all help as I don't want to loose my tank.


The rock you added wasnt cured, or wasnt fully cured. Your tank is now going through another cycle, which of course isnt healthy for your fish to go through. If I were in your shoes I'd put all my fish and inverts in a hospital tank, as you're likely to lose them. I'd also keep doing water changes every other day on your display tank. But then again, I've only been doing this for 2 months so there might as well be a better way. Just wait for a few more responces. Good luck, I hope you pull through.
(In future, only put a few pounds of rock in at a time if you're not able to fully cure it yourself)


Active Member
The uncured rock definitely kicked off a cycle. Do a few large water changes every couple of days and if you can definitely run carbon.


God speed to your fish :happyfish
You should only add live rock that you know is cured once your tank is set up, because like everyone has said it will make your tank cycle.
what all is currently in the tank?


Originally Posted by brandonvd
I just added 66 lbs of live rock to my tank and my ammonia levels have jumped out of sight. I made sure to wash the rock good before I added it to my tank, but for some reason I still have the spike. I already had 1 fish die and my others aren't doing very good. I also did a 25% - 30% water change and the levels are better, but I just wanted to find out if there is something better for me to do and how to fix this problem. I appreciate any and all help as I don't want to loose my tank.
Dude you got to better. :yes: Please read or do searches when you want to some thing to your tank :thinking: .


Thank you for all the responses. According to the company that I bought the rock from, the rock was pre cured, but it sounds like they miss informed me. So far I have done the water changes and put the carbon online. I have also added a product called Cycle that is supposed to add enzymes to the water to help nullify the ammonia. I am hoping that all this will work. I have also considered removing the rock and putting it into another tank to let it cure, but as I've lost 2 other fish since my original post I don't have much left in the tank to kill. I am hoping that my other creatures will survive this and I am definatly calling the company I bought the rock from on Monday to complain. I appreciate the help so far and if any of you know anything else to do I would appreciate the input.