I've got a 72 gallon reef with about 100 lbs of lr and about 10 corals. Mostly mushrooms and polyps. And I'm doing bi weekly WC. I'm running an ro/di system also. I've seen a few post on this topic lately and one reply dealt with high sg as the cause. I don't own a refractometer but use both the cheap arm type hydrometer and a floater. So far the two are usually really close. I'm dosing nothing and can't figure out why I've got high Calcuim. My alk is also high (12) my ph is 8.2, 0 ammonia,nitrate,nitrite. my phos is at around 3. My corals seem to be doing ok but still I'd like to get a handle on this. I have notice a decline in my coraline and just ordered a mag test kit. My current test kit is the API reef master and it's about a month old.