High Current Corals?


I was wondering what are some corals that like and do well in high current water flows? Most of the corals i have some across seem to like medium to low currents.
Half my tank is medium to low current but the other half is high current.
Thanks for any input


My leather species seem to do fine in high current areas, green star polyps do very well in high current in my experience. I would not place any of them in direct flow of a powerhead though. Other things like sponges and gorgonians would do well in high current although I don't have any in my tank.


Active Member
You know, Ive read and heard that Sun Polyp, tubastrea corals, like some significant flow. Bonus here is, they don't need light. But, right now I have a specimen in high flow, and one not. Im trying to see which thrives. But, Ive heard that these corals like high flow because it increases the ammount of food they get from the water column. And since these corals need direct feeding, or high nutrient water, increased flow may help how often you have to feed! :cool: