high gas prices


Active Member
i was talking to someone today that had an interesting theory. if you could get everyone you know to choose one gas station they go to - has to be the same chain like bp, shell, whatever, it dosnt matter whatever you choose and get people all over the country to do the same and not go there, their profits would drop and they would be forced to lower their prices. i dont know if i am wording this right :rolleyes: but any thoughts?


Gas prices will remain about the same in that store, but the prices on the other goods would drop. Gas prices are pretty set at a certain rate during a specific time of the year. To lower gas prices, everybody would have to stop buying gas from everywhere. Even if gas prices did drop at the other stores, as soon as everybody went back to those stores the prices would go straight back up. Right now the gas prices are high because the refineries are cleaning out their systems. Gas must be cleaner for the summer because traveling picks up tremendously. I think the governments have a part to play in that one.


Active Member
maybe he did an old e-mail, i dont know, it was just a thought, i personally doubt it would work, just something to through out there as food for thought :)

tony detroit

Active Member
There are many factors contributing to a per-gallon price of gasoline. Many of them are nothing to do with the actual gas station itself. Also many BP stations are privately owned, kinda like when a local guy owns a few McDonalds. My dad's friend built one a few years ago, I think it was around 7million or so. Had a su
ay and a dunkin donuts. That was just one station, plus his rights to buy into the BP logo.


Isn't it odd... during Bush's first presidential election bid, he made gasoline prices an issue.. now they're at an all time high. :rolleyes:


Wasn't it awfully nice of them to lower the gas prices down to like 1.24 during the holidays? Gee, that was so nice.


Worse than that is the political spin offs, gas prices are no higher than they have been in the past (calculating in inhalation). Well that's great.
Personally I don't care, I care about having to adjust my budget so I drive my car.


Well, one local privately owned gas station here has it about right. I'm sure these inflated prices are killing the mom and pop gas stations. On his sign for the pricing it says the following:
Unleaded $1.69
Super $ARM
Premium $LEG


Active Member

Originally posted by benrock
On his sign for the pricing it says the following:
Unleaded $1.69
Super $ARM
Premium $LEG

i like that !!


Active Member
economic equolibrium, right now my gas aroudn here is like 1.59-1.63 and some places up to 1.75 which i think is rediculous!



Originally posted by Daniel411
Isn't it odd... during Bush's first presidential election bid, he made gasoline prices an issue.. now they're at an all time high. :rolleyes:

Yeah! Maybe we should all vote for Kerry, who supported another .50 per gallon tax on gas!:notsure:

tony detroit

Active Member
Believe it or not, the gas stations themselves aren't making tons of money compared to overall spending. The refineries are doing well though. Most of the money goes to our greedy government and state authorities. Everybody read up and educate yourselves. If it was up to me, I would fire everybody working for the government and start over. Wake up people, we are getting bent over here.


just because kerry said he is going to do that doesn't mean he is going to do that i don't trust anyone so antimilitary sorry i think he is a hippi flower child and supported a bill to not fund or troops over seas with body armor to me that is a no no in my book. Sorry to skip to something else but Like i said i don't trust he is going to lower gas prices


Good point Moto! But not to worry, he'll change his position by tomorrow, maybe even later tonight! The guy scares me. I don't have military experience, but do have law enforcement experience. I know vets and current military guys can't stand him. I'm sure we can hold up some "PEACE" protests signs in front of the next 747 and that'll stop 'em!



Originally posted by phoenixpi
Yeah! Maybe we should all vote for Kerry, who supported another .50 per gallon tax on gas!:notsure:

Hey, never said I had any support for Kerry. I'd rather have Bush in office than Kerry, we atleast know where GW is coming from. It is pretty ironic how Kerry's team even made the gas prices an issue, with his voting record on it... oh wait, he changed his mind again! CNN's gallup poll was pretty good, almost 70% of people said they thought Kerry would say or do anything to gain a vote. He's even backing ganster rap now!

tony detroit

Active Member
No politicians care about you, your family, your community or your job. They care about making money, and their buddies making money.