High Heat and a lost tank


Active Member
Well I have been on here for a few months and in the saltwater bag for about three years. After I came home from the ocean I found a sad mess in my tank. My chiller prefilter was completely clogged and not pulling water. When I pulled the useless filter off my chiller temp went up to 93 degrees. Least to say, I thought I had everything under control before I left. Just had a roommate feed every few days. So lost all 8 of my kenya trees, my pulsing xenia, my frogspawn, Leather coral, two big growing hard corals, my colt, and a nice chunk of my zoos/star polyps. I have been this ticked off in a while. Everything else in the tank survived including my yellow tail, tang, puffer, and inverts. This gives me time to start scraping the algae off the rocks and start over. Real bummer though.... :scared: :scared: :scared:
:mad: :mad:
Good fishing,


I had a similar situation happen to me a while ago too and it really stinks! At least your fish were ok, soory to hear about it, Carrie


New Member
Since my house always feels like a freezer, I only have to worry about my tank getting cold. The power went out at my house the other day and my temps dropped anywhere from 10-30 d. f.
But all is well. All my plants and fish survived. But they're also all fresh water and decently hard, so I dont know how well a SW tank would cop with it.


if you have not done already.. do a good size water change. You will mostlikly have an ammonia spike.
I feel your pain, I lost all my corals and invertebrates earlier this year with a malfuntioning heater. Tank was a good 98-99 degrees... I had a few puslating and some pink.. they shriveled up into nothing except for one small stalk. all but one snail and one scarlet crab made it through the heat.


Active Member
Thanks trey. I have replaced about 30 gallons of a 55. I am going to do another 5 every day this week to bring down the ammonia spike.
PS. I left everything in the tank for a few days and I have noticed that my kenyas, leather, and mushrooms are slowly making a recovery. Although, frogspawn, hard corals, and my pulsing xenia are now goners. Boo hoo...