High Nitrate and Nitrite levels?


I was wondering what i can do to lower my high levels of nitrate and nitrite in my 140 gal FWLR. My ammonia level is zero but my nitrate and nitrite levels are killing my fish.
I had a serious hair algae problem and took the advice from someone on here by takinging the rock out and scrubbing them down. I did that and wham!!! My clown trigger stopped eating caught a disease and died. Lost my hawk fish, hog fish, 2 scooter bleenies, 1 lawnmower Blen, both domino's are white but ones fins look to have fin rott and my picasso trigger has stopped eating and all my emerald crabs are dying. But the hair algae is gone.
I have done a few water changes in the last 2 weeks. What should I do at this point? Am I to watch the rest of my fish die? Please send me some advise on what I need to do.
Also, I have read that i shouldnt use the bio balls with my tank. Is this true? If so what shoud I use when taking out the bio balls? I have a 140g Oceanic Reef ready system and the LFS told me to put the bio balls in the traps on both sides of the tank and in the sump tank where the water is filterd down from the tank system. Another thing is that in my sump tank where i have filter sponges there are little grey bugs I think living in the sponges. What the heck are they and are they the good, the bad, or just plain ugly?
I have about 130lbs of LR and about 100lbs of LS in the tank also.
Thank you
Ok just looked at my last test my Nitrate levels are off the roof and my Nitrite levels are ok. What do i do with this?


Staff member
All you can do is massive water changes until the tank completes the cycle. By scrubbing rocks you basically destroy the bio-bacteria upon which the tank relys. How exactly did you scrub it? Give some details about your setup and filters.


well I used a tooth brush to scrub the LR. I have a protien skimmer I believe its an EVO or something like that. Whatever the LFS said was the best they carried and more than what I need for that tank setup. Have a mag 7 to the skimmer and another mag 7 from the skimmer to the tank.


Staff member
Powerheads? Filters, What kind of sand, etc? Describe your setup, what is in it, fish, etc.


Also, I have read that i shouldnt use the bio balls with my tank. Is this true? If so what shoud I use when taking out the bio balls? I have a 140g Oceanic Reef ready system and the LFS told me to put the bio balls in the traps on both sides of the tank and in the sump tank where the water is filterd down from the tank system. Another thing is that in my sump tank where i have filter sponges there are little grey bugs I think living in the sponges. What the heck are they and are they the good, the bad, or just plain ugly?
I have about 130lbs of LR and about 100lbs of LS in the tank also.
I have only a humu humu 2 damsels and rainbow gobie left in tank also 3 hermits


Staff member
How long have you been set up, and what exactly was the problem with your LR that you had to scrub it? Please never scub LR. Also, when you are going to take drastic advice from others on BBs be sure that you can say for sure that that someone is respected by others and recognized by others as someone who is knowledgeable. This is where the search feature comes in real handy. What kind of lighting do you have?
IMO, wet/dry type systems can cause major nitrate problems which could lead to nuisance algae and diatoms. They really are not a good choice for reef systems.
I'm going to move your thread over to the REEF Forum where you can get more help. In the meantime, post up the info about your tank. What water are you using? Lighting? Age of tank, why you scubbed down your LR, etc.
Right now, to deal with your immediate emergency, you are just going to have to keep doing water changes. Increase aeration as much as possible particularly at the surface of the tank, get the surface to look like a running river with PHs directed at it.


ok...had the tank set up now for about a year. The problem with the LR was that I had a serious Hair Algae problem. I mean it looked like a jungle in there. As for the lighting I have 2-150 watt HQI metal halide10,000k 2-65 watt power compact actinic bulbs 2-36 watt power compact 10,000k bulbs 2-four inch fans.
Unit has 2 chords and 2 switches so the unit can be added to timers to implement the dawn and dusk effect. It also has 3 moon lights.
You were saying something about wet/dry systems? Is that what I have and if so is there anything i can do to fix this so I can reduse the nitrate which could lead to nuisance algae and diatoms. I had a lawnmower blenny but that thing only ate meat. I aslo have a nasso tang and all he eats is meat. None of them eat algae. Also my humu humu is starting to lose weight. The dorsal part of his head is sinking in. Unlike my clown trigger that past away last week his center of his head was caving in. Is my humu humu going to die also?


also, should I take all the LR out of my tank and get out the dying or dead emerald crabs out of the tank. They are all dying in there and I also notice the fire worms dying also. What should I do?