high nitrAte


Active Member
Originally Posted by nubiegurl
Just looked in on this discussion that had taken place and wanted to ask a couple of more questions. My tank is just shy of a month old. I have a 24 gal Nano. My sand bed is around 2 1/2 " with around 28lbs. of live rock. My readings were all fine and I thought my tank had cycled but lately (after adding a few small corals and a couple of fish) I am seeing my nitrates ranging 10-20. I have been doing 10-15% water changes but they don't seem to go back down. Is my tank in trouble???? Did I rush things ?
Have you tested your source water for nitrates? Also, the bacteria that convert nitrates to safe nitrogen gas are generally the last to take hold, and the hardest to cultivate. Sometimes, in new, small tanks; nitrates may spike for a while after introducing anything. If the nitrates don't quickly go back down, there is a problem somewhere. Either the source water or the maturity of the LR/LS.


Originally Posted by nubiegurl
Just looked in on this discussion that had taken place and wanted to ask a couple of more questions. My tank is just shy of a month old. I have a 24 gal Nano. My sand bed is around 2 1/2 " with around 28lbs. of live rock. My readings were all fine and I thought my tank had cycled but lately (after adding a few small corals and a couple of fish) I am seeing my nitrates ranging 10-20. I have been doing 10-15% water changes but they don't seem to go back down. Is my tank in trouble???? Did I rush things ?

If your tank is just shy of a month old and your levels were all at zero. Did they ever have a high spike? How did you start the cycle? Was the live rock fully cured, or uncured and was it in there at the start up of the tank?
If you never had a spike and now you are seeing them, it maybe that your tank never cycled and now that you have added a few things it is starting the cycle.
Not that this is the case, but a lot of people starting out, read that you should let your tank cycle for 3-4 weeks before adding everything. So they set it up wait 3 weeks test and when everything is at zero they start adding things. The problem is if this tank never cycled, the levels will be at zero until you add something to start the cycle.
So my question to you is what did you use to start the cycle and did you test during the cycle to be sure that you got the spikes?


New Member
I started off my tank with cured live rock. Never saw an "extreme" spike. I "ghost" fed and began seeing spikes in tests. Am, Nitrates and starting cultivating some brown algae on glass and sandbed. I have had hermits and snails for some time. After talking to my LFS they said it was possible that everything spiked the first week since I didn't actually start testing until 2nd week. I tested my source water and levels were ok. So I am extremely concerned about the "livestock" I have added so far. What should I or can I do IF my tank is cycling at this point ? I feel so embarrassed and thought so conscientious .....


Active Member
Originally Posted by DrTITO
I got A skimmer HOB. As for the sand I switched the order from 100 lbs of black sand to 200 lbs of live black sand, I will need more to get to reach a 5 inch sand bed min. Thanks for setting me stright on the depth of sand I needed. This hobby is addicting....

You stated earlier that you had only 50 to 75 lb of LR. You need to aim for 1 lb per gallon of water. This is the best filtration you can have on your system. Although I don't believe it would fix your nitrate problem, if the rocks are large enough they will also house the bacteria that breaks down nitrate into nitrogen gas (why some tanks you see bubbles forming on the rocks). Either way get some more LR in there.
I think you are on the right track w/ replacing the CC for LS, and getting rid of that UF.


Active Member
Two different situations are being addressed on this thread, very confusing. I'd suggest nubiegurl start a new thread with her questions.
Can I ask this question? I have high nitrates too. I have been soley blaming my canister filter. My sand bed is 2-3 inches. Is the suggested 6 inches for ALL tanks? Or is this specific to the posters situation?


Active Member
Thats a shallow sand bed. I believe an SSB won't help your nitrate levels. Only a DSB of about 4.5" or greater will reduce nitrates.


My sand will be in tomarrow, is there an easy way to remove the C.C. from the bottem of the tank with out removing the worms in the C.C.? If not just scoop it out right.
As for my L.R. I have ONE basket ball sized rock and ONE mini-tomestone sized rock,with other long flat/baseball sized peices here and there. I have many just from the ocean.(yes I cleaned them first) More on the way after a reach a DSB of 5 to 6 inches.
thanks for all the reponses everyone


Its bin two week tommarrow since I changed my UGF and C.C. for 4.5 inches of ALL LIVE SAND ,one more inch coming this week(100lbs not live) and after all this I have not seen a drop in nirAAtes.
nitrIIte 0ppm
Ammonia 0ppm
I have TWO ph test kits
ph test 1- 8.0
instant ocean test
ph test 2- 7.8
nitrAAte 80 ppm

My next step will be to remove live stock, get more live rock everyone raves about SWFs live rock so I will try it, and more water changes.

Hope this works. wish me luck.


Active Member
It sounds like you need to determine the source of the nitrates if you're doing water changes and the trates still arent going down.


I have bin working hard on my tank, here is my progress.
Removed UGF and C.C.
Attachment 201754
Attachment 201755
Then added LS (gray) and NON LS (solid black)
Attachment 201756
Attachment 201757
Attachment 201758
Attachment 201759
total of about 5 inches and I have more sand for later.
Removed half my live stock...traded them for tank ready live rock.(LFS has some in shop)
Did a 25% water change on monday and I will do a 70 gallon water change tonight(about 60%), Then use the BAD water to clean and cure LR order. 48 lbs.
Am I on the right track to LOWERING my nitrAAtes ?


nano reefer

Active Member
just do a 50 percent today, 40 percent tmrw, 30 percent the next day, 20 the next day, and 10 precent for a week. dont feed to much. siphon out detrius. works like a charm.


I did the water change last night 50% but no change in my nitrAAte. Checked my water it was still 80ppm to 160ppm.
Used the bad water to clean and scrub my new LR then placed them in a 35 gal trashcan for curing with 2 PHs
and I will add the light tonight. The AMMO was at 0.5 and nitrAAte was at 40 ppm. I will change the rocks water tonight or tomarrow,then retest.
How long can I go with out feeding my fish?
I will do whatever it takes to lower my nitrAAtes.
I will do a 100% water change if I have to.


All right my nitrAtes have come down they are stable at
I added the LIVE ROCK on thursday no problem.

I put in some plants to help
then added two maxi jet 1200 and I am waiting for the mods to add super flow

I am going to do another water change tommarow or sunday and retest then.

tried to add pictures maybe next time.