high nitrates and sand level

bryan hurs

New Member
I have an aqua pod 12 set up for about three months now with about 40-50 lbs live rock. I started out with a sandbed of about three inches but was getting lots of slime on the rock and some purple slime on the glass. I was told by lfs nitrates were up. I didnt have anyfish before this weekend and now have a featherduster, dime-sized mushroom starter and a sandsifting star fish. I was told to remove about 2 inches of sand to see if that would help I also cleared the way for the he filter to work on the lower point. Tonight the star was up on the glass so I want to know what to do for the nitrates and should I get a fish to help give the star some waste to eat? Am puuting in kent a and b daily and liquid invert food 3xs week. Im new to this please advise. :help:


Active Member
Do you have test kits?
If so, are you nitrates up or anything else?
Do you use tap water to mix your saltwater?


I live in washington IL and the nitrates could be hi cus your adding to much food to your tank with nothing to eat it

bryan hurs

New Member
i use water from culligan I get at wal-mart. Should I cut the amount of invert food in half 3x's a week or feed less. What would you suggest I put in the tank. I don't have much money right now so I was thinking something affordable. Should I do a clownfish or should I get snails to sift the sand since the star fish wants to hang on the side of the tank? I have had aquariums all my life but this is my first reef. I want to do it right without losing tons of livestock.


Active Member
Stop adding everything that you have been to your tank and go purchase some test kits. You especially need pH, alkalinity, nitrate, ammonia, phosphate, and calcium. You have to know what these levels are before you can dose anything.

bryan hurs

New Member
I have a hagen master test kit and everything was seeming fine with the exception of nitrates. I only started putting in the kent a and b this weekend. I stopped before. I will run a full panel and post them soon for any suggestions, thanks bonebrake!

bryan hurs

New Member
I tested my 12 nano and following are the results, I think I missed something before because I see some problems now. Here goes:
pH 8.3
kH 150
Calcium 480 or 520
phosphate 0
nitrate 120
nitrite 0.1
ammonia ?
I ran the 20 min ammonia test 2x's and it was cloudy and didnt match any of the chart. It has never been a problem before. Im guessing 25% water change and whatever else I am advised please help! Thanks to all! :scared:


Active Member
I would recommend doing a 90%+ water change to get those nitrates down, when you take the water out leave enough water in the tank to keep the sand wet. Your starfish is going to die if you do the water change or not; see if the store will take him back to at least give him a chance. The kH cannot be 150; retest that. Try the ammonia one more time before you do the change. Make sure you have everything ready before you do the change so that your live rock is not exposed to the air for more than a few minutes. Do you have a refractometer to measure your salinity to match it before you do the water change?


Active Member
Before you do the water change, test your new water before you add salt for nitrates. If the new water is zero, mix the salt and do the water change. The only other sources for nitrates in your tank are: overfeeding or something is dead and decaying in your tank.