high nitrates/ bio wheels

  • Thread starter angelofdeath132
  • Start date


anyone ever had a prob. with high nitrates due to the use of the bio wheel?


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by angelofdeath132
anyone ever had a prob. with high nitrates due to the use of the bio wheel?

Short answer is no.
NitrAtes are the end of the nitrogen cycle and are high only because there is not enough plants consuming the nitrates. Any filter with any bioload can result in 0.0 nitrates if there are enough plants actively consuming those nitrates.
I also helps if you are not overfeeding.


if you don't do water changes or have a way to export the trates that are made then you will always have trates. plants work, a dsb helps and protein skimming also helps, along with regular water changes. if you have none of these or have done none of this then you will have trates, its the end result of the nitrogen cycle. hth


Yeah, I know the feeling, my LFS told me to fill in the tank copper to cure ick. I am sorry to listen to him because now I can't even put in the tank the cleaning crews.....


Active Member
The only thing which creates Nitrates are broken down/waste product of the bacteria which consumes Nitrite...nothing else...
Nitrates need to be either consumed...or removed...how you remove them is a personal option...by all means though...plants are not the best, nor only method as previously suggested above...
Nitrate control begins with what the tank owner introduces into the tank, as well as proper maintenance on tank equipment and adequate water changes...