High nitrates, healthy tank


My father has a 55 reef with the most luscious plants, xenia, mushrooms, zoos, and bubble algae. His tank has so much purple in it, it is disgusting. He has half a dozen fish, and an anemone that all seem to be thriving very well. He does not add any nutrients, rarely changes his water, etc. I checked his water levels about 3 months ago and his tank was so high in nitrates I had to test again to be sure I hadn't made a mistake. (I use the same tester with mine and get 0 nitrates) I had him do several water changes over a week or two, only to get the same results. So, not knowing what else to do I tested his water from the sink - which is what he uses to make his own salt water. And Yep! High nitrates. He uses a well and I guess the wells in his area are all high in nitrates. I sure wouldn't want to drink his water!
Anyways, can anyone tell me is this normal? I mean for his tank to be so healthy after months of extremely high nitrates?


Active Member
Well what do you think, hmmmmm?
He has been lucky so far and if he pushes his luck hmmmm…
Once something dies we will all think nitrates…


Is it possible for anything to be healthy in that environment? The growth rate he has seen is much more than your average tank. We will both buy a zoo rock, or xenia, etc. at the same time. My tank is healthy with all great levels, etc. We both have the same lighting but his specimen will always outgrow mine by 10 fold. I get a few new zoos, he gets 10, and boy are they large and beautiful. I guess you would have to see it to believe it. It makes me questions all the "little" I know. Any other opinions?


do you use RO/DI water? because though it is much better to use RO/DI water, a lot of the trace elements found in tap water that can be benificial are filtered out of RO/DI water and should be suplemented by salt that has calcium and trace elements in it or adding additives.


Yes. I use R/O, but will be switching this next water change to ocean water from my lfs. I am anxious to see the results. Should my father's tank be doing this? He was going to switch to ocean water, but is questioning whether to do so or not since his tank has been so healthy for so long.


Personally I haven't heard of people using Ocean water here in British Columbia in fact it is suggested not to due to many factors such as;1.) How do you know the source is not pouluted, with so much of the oceans coastline covered with civilization it's hard to say that water collected is poulltant free.
2.) there is a good chance that the water collected from the Ocean picks up many wanted beneficial bacteria and trace elements but at the same time many unwanted elements and parasites. 3.) I'm scared to think what kind of things they add to the Ocean water to give it a "Shelf Life"
IMO I feel synthetic ocean water is superior when using RO/DI water, added trace elements and proper levels of additives.
It's clean, parasite free, poulentent free and dose not add nutrients to the tank that could feed pest algae(hair algae)
and bacteria (cyno, red algae)
as for your fathers tank, high nitrates are never a good thing and keeping the parameters of a tank under control and balenced is importent. He is risking the chance of a majour crash and with the time and money invested it's just not worth it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by kimkromann
My father has a 55 reef with the most luscious plants, xenia, mushrooms, zoos, and bubble algae. His tank has so much purple in it, it is disgusting. He has half a dozen fish, and an anemone that all seem to be thriving very well. He does not add any nutrients, rarely changes his water, etc. I checked his water levels about 3 months ago and his tank was so high in nitrates I had to test again to be sure I hadn't made a mistake. (I use the same tester with mine and get 0 nitrates) Anyways, can anyone tell me is this normal? I mean for his tank to be so healthy after months of extremely high nitrates?
well xenia's definetely thrive with higher nitrate and so are most of my soft corals. now that my tank nitrate almost zero . i notice slower growth the b4 but i my sps are growing like crazy .