High Nitrates in nano reef


Tank has been running since March of this year. Have 30 pounds of live sand, at least 30 pounds of cured live rock. Tank never cycled. All of the water tests have been at 0 until now. The nitrates are at 20 ppm. Have a few small soft corals, zoos, rics, etc... 2 clowns and a pygmy angel, several hermits and a cleaner shrimp. Have a tunze skimmer in the middle chamber w/ live rock rubble also in the middle chamber.
I do a 20 % water change each month. I buy the saltwater/ R.O. water from a LFS. MY nitrates are at 20 and will go to 10 with a water change, and all of the other water parameters are 0. I have also used the test kit at the LFS and it reads 20 ppm also so it isn’t my test kit.
I don’t know what to do to get the nitrates back to 0.
I change the filter material every couple of weeks or when it gets funky. I don’t think that I am over feeding, as all the food (pellets) are gone within a few minutes. I do use a frozen food for the angel but it also is gone within a few minutes. I am at a loss here and need help.
I do have a master saltwater test kit. And I just did a 50 % water change three days ago. Did a 20 % change about ten days ago. I keep changing the water but the nitrates never go back to 0 and that is my problem since all of the other tests are 0. In reading all of the other posts regarding this type of problem, over feeding comes up a lot, but I really don’t think that the problem.
Thanks for all your help.


What size tank do you have? I have a 12 gallon. I do about a 3 gallon water change every other week. I only have 2 fish there and some inverts and some corals. I never get my nitrates down to zero. Nearly impossible in a tank that small. I did order a nano protein skimmer. I will let you know how it goes. I also thew in a handful of chaeto and wedged it between some rocks. I hear it works really well in sucking up the nitrates. I will also let you know how it goes with that. You can have some nitrates if it is within the safe limits for inverts. I believe its is below 40ppm.
Good luck!


I have a 29 gallon Bio-Cube. I have a Tunze 9002 protein skimmer in the middle chamber. I have always had 0 levels on all the water tests until recently I have enough live rock and live sand that along with the Tunze skimmer I should be able to get everything at 0. I am worried that I have had this recent spike, after months of perfect water. I am really confused by this. Thank you for your help. What kind of skimmer are you looking at? I went with the best one I could find but it wasn’t cheap. What kind of tank do you have, is it a plug and play like the Bio-Cube?

matt b

Active Member
Three words, Big water change. Do a 50-70%. When ever I have a nano and have nitrates I just do a few big water changes. IMO you should always do a big (50% or more) water change every month or two.


I will be doing another 'BIG' water change tommorow. I guess that i'm puzzled by the fact that since this tank just had a nitrate spike i'm still trying to find the reason...... Thanks for your help.


Originally Posted by FISH4RUDY
I have a 29 gallon Bio-Cube. I have a Tunze 9002 protein skimmer in the middle chamber. I have always had 0 levels on all the water tests until recently I have enough live rock and live sand that along with the Tunze skimmer I should be able to get everything at 0. I am worried that I have had this recent spike, after months of perfect water. I am really confused by this. Thank you for your help. What kind of skimmer are you looking at? I went with the best one I could find but it wasn’t cheap. What kind of tank do you have, is it a plug and play like the Bio-Cube?
I have a 12 gallon Aqapod. It is a plug and play also. I ordered the Fission Nano skimmer. I should get it by the end of the week. It was only about 30$. I always had some trates but not anything in the DANGER zone. I am pretty good about keeping up with water changes. I did a 4 gallon change today as a matter of fact. Also I visited my LFS and got a bunch of chaeto and threw a handful in between some rock. I hear that works as good as a skimmer plus I need a area for some pods to hide.


Active Member
Address things like detritus getting trapped in mechanical filters or in stagnant areas around live rock i.e. rubble.


Active Member
FWIW, even though the goal is 0 nitrates, I have had 20ppm in my tank for as long as i can remember. No ill effects to anything, and i have a rose bubble tip in my tank. Shes been there for a year and a half. Not saying not to strive for 0 but dont obsess over it. JMO


Active Member
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
FWIW, even though the goal is 0 nitrates, I have had 20ppm in my tank for as long as i can remember. No ill effects to anything, and i have a rose bubble tip in my tank. Shes been there for a year and a half. Not saying not to strive for 0 but dont obsess over it. JMO
like I said, check for trapped detritus, remove bioballs, change filterfloss (if you use that crap..)...
If all else fails, algae turf scrubber!