high nitrates



Regardless what I do, my tanks have extremely high nitrates. I am told that I have an over population of shrimp in the corals... Help!null :rolleyes: null


You have to be more specific as what type of setup, tank size, filtration, stock and such then we can help you.


The tank that I'm having difficulty with is a 72 gal. bow front. Regardless of frequent water changes (or to the extreme) leaving it along for 4-6 weeks the Nitrate level remains extremely high. I have 2 powerheads, empora 400 filter, seaclone running continually. Currently habitants: Large Lion, Foxface, Yellow Tang, Chocolate Tang, Snowflake eel, Flame Angel, Clown fish, one Coral banded shrimp and one hermit crab... opps and a parrot face.
:confused: :confused:


Active Member
I think you have more of a heavy fish load. :eek: Do you run a skimmer? Do you have a dsb? These 2 things would help out alot in your situation.
Good luck.


Active Member
IMO LR will help reduce nitrates if you dont already have some.
Also if you have a CC substrate you will need to vacume it at every water change.


go with a ls substrate, it would help you get rid of the nitrates. a refugium i have been told also helps with these problems, i am going to try to find that out with in the next few weeks. do you have a protien skimmer?


Active Member
Once you consider water displacement, you probably have about 58-60 or so gallons of water. This fish load is much to high for this water volume. Maximum adult size inches for 60 gallons is about 25 inchesand that is if you have adequate skimming and filtration.
While Ls will help, you will still have high nitrates if you do not thin out your fish stock. Good luck.


I have a related question. I am in the cycling process on my 50G tank. My nitrates seem to be high, but yesterday, they had decreased a bit, is this normal? My ammonia is on the decrease, almost to 0 and my nitrites are decreasing as well.