High nitrite


I had Ick in may tank. Being new to this hobby, I added some Rid Ick+ to my tank, which contained some live rock and live sand, but really only a fish Only tank. I have 2 scrimp though and a few snails. I have only done this once - now I have a QT tank - i've learn something!!
However, this med contained Formaldehyde and malachite green. and then did a 20 gallon water change.
I have just tested the water and the ammonia is at .25 and nitrite at a little less than .25. Could the med have done this, or was it possibly over feeding.
I'm now thinking about doing another 15 gallons.
Should I. Could the med. have killed off bacteria that normally keeps the nirate down?


I have had the tank over 2 months. I went through the cycle about 1 month ago. Its been fine, until I hit the Ick on Tuesday, and tried to fix it. I now know better.
I have been using a Coral-vital to enhance some rock in the tank for about 2 weeks, I've been reading that this may give false highs!
I will still do the water change though - i'm aging the water as I type.
Any thoughts!