The times we run vary depending on what class we are running in, and on what motors we are using (we have lots of different motors). It feels friggin incredible to drive these cars, you are left out of breath after a pass, you feel your heart pounding with adrenaline before you even take off. After I do the "burn out" and get ready to stage and launch, the adrenaline and "butterflys in stomach" are overwelming. As I write this I feel my heart speed up and I feel the nervousness just thinking about it. When we are driving to a new track, once I see the track from the road, before we even enter the gate I get a nice little shot of anxiety and adrenaline. These cars put roller coasters or skydivng to shame, we simply pull more G's. As for cost, it isnt cheap when you consider the cost of the car initially along with the maintenence and fuel and entry fees, especially when you have 3 cars. Then of course you need a humongous rig to haul these cars around in, and since we do lots of traveling ya really need to have a big motorhome to stay in @ the track(total operation costs maybe 100k+ per year on the conservative side). I dont have a sponsor, but I do have THE BEST DAD ON THE PLANET who is happy to be doing this with my little brother and I. My little bro drives the "funny car" is only 19 and he can hang with anyone, our dad drives occasionally and funds the operation, and I sort of drive all of them depending on mood. My dad, brother, and I are as close as you can get, I am on top of safety issues like a hawk for all our cars because I love the people that drive them. I will be done with my masters in mechanical engineering in about 6 more months then I will of course help contribute $ (pops should appreciate that). We dont do this hobby to make $, we do it because we have one hell of a fun time doing it together.