High Phosphate

Hello guys,
I've got two tanks, one Fish only and one reef. The F/O tank has high phospate while the reef has 0. I've checked the source (RODI) and it's 0. I've been doing regular water changes and it's still the same. What do you think is the reason and how can I eliminate this? Is phosphate dangerous to fish?
Please advise. Thanks


phosphates aren't dangerous to fish, the phosphates are probably from the water you're using unless you are either filtering the water yourself or buying it at the store. the problem with phosphates is that they are like fertilizer for algae. kent sells a phosphate absorbing product that most places will carry, if not all *****'s carry it.
Hi, I've checked the water source and it's zero phosphate I produce my own RODI water an duse this also for my reef.
I will try the phosphate absorbing pad online. Thanks for the info


Active Member
you may want to look into a small refugium to grow out macro algae. these plants feed off of phosphates and nitrates. a lot of sucessful tanks have a refugium.


Active Member
Run a good phosphate remover in a media bag.It is coming from the food you are feeding most likely.Back off on feeding,you may be feeding too much.