high salt levels


Can a high salt level hurt anemones and xenia rock? Mines a little high...but I used ocean water (5 miles out) to start the tank,is this goin to cause a problem?


when i used ocean water my salinity level was high too. Have you tested the water lately? what are the levels at? high salt in my tank hurt my LR, coral, and everybody took a bit of a hit. i live in hawaii and have great access to the ocean, but i found that i get better purity with mixing salt, and purified water and sometimes distilled water. but thats just me . im interested to see what the pro's say about this.
what size tank do you have what fish, and how long has it been going?
having those will help everybody answer a bit better.
have fun watching you little guys.


certain salt mixes would be way cheap and if you mix them a day or two (at least) ahead of time you will get great water quality. but i wouldnt use straight tap water. anyone else have great water mixes? distilled and purified stc. thanx

who dey

Active Member
if your using a swing arm hydrometer, check for air bubbles on the arm of the unit. even the smallest bubble can send your reading off the chart!


just interested.... why were you 5 miles out? not to get water i hope. lol there are many cheaper and less halle way to do it.lol


i put a xena rock in today...about five hours ago or so...it still slumped over and not very active. is this normal, or is the high salt affecting them. also cal. is a bit high aprox 500 or so.