High School Graduation Present?


It's been 20 years since I graduated and I have no idea what to get the neighbors kid who is graduating this week. Anybody out there have any ideas what High School seniors like or want (besides beer and the opposite ---) and what would be a good present? He's heading off to college in the fall and I thought something school related but I'm sure he probably wants cash or something.
Anybody, please help!


I don't know how much money you are planning to spend, but Titanium Bracelets are awesome.
Probably not something school related b/c school just got out and no one wants to think about going back yet.
Money is always nice.. especially if you have no idea.


Active Member
Another thought, similar to the money thing is that if you are not real big on giving cash, you can always give a gift card to like bed, bath, and beyond or linen's and things, or Ikea. All of these stores are good places to shop for dorm room stuff and since this person is going to college in the fall, they will more than likely need some stuff.


Money is always a good way to go, that way they can go and get whatever they want.


Should I go with the cash thing, any idea on how much? He's our neighbors kid and we've known the for 2 years, not real well but want to be a good neighbor. Thanks!


Active Member
Hmmm...good neighbors to the kid or to the parents? Is he good and responsible :D or will he blow cash? I think what he might want (in order for you to be a good neighbor) and what the parents might appreciate (in order for you to be a good neighbor) might be different. :yes: Some are responsible with cash, and some will blow it. There are some neighbors kids in our area that I wouldn't give a "general" dime to in hopes they eventually run out of money to buy new tires or gas to burn up down our street. :D So it depends on your impression of the kid. I like the idea for gift cards for somewhere for dorm stuff. Would help out the parents as well. :yes:


how much is he worth to you? is he a good kid? without knowing your financial situation it's hard to answer that question. if he's anything like most, he's probably sent out a hundred or more announcements so even $25 will add up nicely.


Active Member
If you dont really know the family i would give him ten-twenty bucks, a gift card would be better. Definately help them all out with some school stuff....


More friends with the mom and dad. We bought our house from them they moved next door. He's a good kid, Financially we're very stable my wife is an attorney, me I build houses and sell them. It's a fine line to walk, too little and I feel like a cheapskate but I don't want to go overboard. I like the idea for the dorm room stuff gift cards and or Best Buy or something. Part of me thinks dorm room stuff gift cards woulod be like me getting a sweater from an aunt at christmas when I was 15 you know. He's going to the University of Michigan and thought about some local stores but I'm still unsure. His parents are loaded if you know what I mean. Thanks for all your replies so far, they've benn helpfull!


Active Member
Well this will not help because I got a typewriter for my high school graduation. I don't think high school kids have ever seen one let alone know how to use it. And yes it was electric, I am not that old.


Active Member
Well then go big, Get him a motocycle, the women love 'em. JK The Best Buy thing is always a good idea. Let the parents buy the boring stuff. I am sure they will appreciate anything you give. Good Luck...


Originally Posted by Scotts
Well this will not help because I got a typewriter for my high school graduation. I don't think high school kids have ever seen one let alone know how to use it. And yes it was electric, I am not that old.
I didn't think they still made typewritters!


I'm going to be a junior next year and I can tell you Money is a big gift it doesn't seem like it took alot of thought but when you go to college your flat broke lol (heck i am now, thank you salt water tank) Money or I thats not "meaningful" enought a gift certificate to circut city, best buy, the college store they are going to. Anything that can contribute to helping save money I know i would want it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Caillou
I didn't think they still made typewritters!
They are next to the record players in the antique store. BTW my high school grad was a couple of decades agoo.


Active Member
Gotta admit I think $50 at Best Buy is a good idea. The amount is really up to you but I don't think you can go wrong with a Best Buy gift certificate.