High School...


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Today was the last day of middle school(lol whoops).. and now i'm on to High school.... i'm pretty excited... 9th grade.. ohh boy


Active Member
yeah im confused....do you mean middle school?
dude hS is fun (was for me) cuttin class..... parties..... hot teachers....lotsa pizza.... hardly any homework.


im goin on my last yr of HS this yr. im so excited. hs is only what you make of it. i hate the school im at now but when i lived in orlando i loooooooved my hs. c/o 05 cant wait


Active Member
Same here i'll be a senior this year and so far high school has been awsome. Just be active and get involved and you'll have a good time.
Here is a helpful hint: don't write your essays you get weeks in advance the class before its due.


Active Member
Yeah....always procrastinate and write the paper the night before its due....that way it will ensure top quality work!


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Originally posted by lionfish28
High school is FUN:yes: But make sure you get a math teacher that teachs!!!!I had a terrible math teacher:yes:

what is it with math teachers and not teaching!?


I don't know what it is with math teachers. Myself being one I find it quite a challenging field. See, here is this kid who already has a bad impression of his math teacher and he has never been in class yet. Already people are telling him to watch out for math class. Why doesn't anyone say that about spanish or english or science.


Active Member
because alot of math teachers dont teach it well
I think that math is hard and i already have a bad attitude when i go into class....i didnt need someone to tell me how bad math was for me.
btw spanish owns


What does owns mean?
Don't you think your bad attitude towards math might be coloring your opinion of your math teachers?


Active Member
didnt you just read what i typed? You agreed with me and i was pretty much telling you to lighten up...just not in so many words
This is a summary of my last post...since you didnt not understand.
look people dont like math....if you dont and have a bad attitude when you walk in..your math teacher...no matter how many awards/accolades/phd's they have is going to be a horrible teacher. However if i enjoy math and have a go get em positive attitude towards math then of course my professor will be the bestestest and most intelligent person in the world in my eyes.....
im not explaining what owns means.


Active Member
ask the nerdier video game playing students..im sure they will know....dont ask the jock whose only words are "30 stones 15 bones"


I am a halo junkie. So I guess I might be considered a nerdier video game junkie who is just looking for one more way to try and connect with his students. So help me out or not the choice is yours. And if you knew me you would know that I am always pretty laid back. I was just trying to understand why many kids have bad attitudes towards math and not the other subjects. Because being a teacher I see that there are some really sucky teachers in the other subjects that the kids love. But when they get a bad math teacher it is like the world has come crashing down and the bad math teacher is only hated.


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anything that is better than you....for instance the father of this womans child owned her current husband.. (assuming she had an affair and this jack ass stuck around)


Active Member

Originally posted by aarone
anything that is better than you....for instance the father of this womans child owned her current husband.. (assuming she had an affair and this jack ass stuck around)

or maybe they were really wanting a baby and took one in desparate need of good parents! :rolleyes: