High Wattage Lights - Any Issues w/ House Circuits and Fuses Blowing?


Active Member
Good info, and Golfish was right you don't want to exceed 80% on a circuit...I have the 4 dedicated 20amp circuits for my fishroom...You never have enough outlets it seems and then you don't want to overload anything. The additional outlets or lines won't be a problem down the road if you sell your house if it's done properly. Make sure your lines are run without major kinks or bends, secure all wiring if possible and I even took the extra time to fish the lines down through the drywall, and a big thing is make sure your connections on the outlets and switches are done correctly and tight. An electrician will rip it apart if the connections are done poorly.....


Active Member
Here's some pics of the wiring I've done for the new fishroom. Total of 4 seperate circuits...Over head recessed lights and 2 outlets above tank in filter room on 1 circuit, 2 MH and VHO and pump for skimmer and misc stuff on another circuit, 2 MH VHO and return pump and other misc stuff on 3rd circuit, and 4th circuit can't find pic for CL pump and add on stuff down the road. Can never have enough outlets it seems.
I chose to use switch/outlet combos everywhere I'm going to have a pump plugged in for the simple fact I can shut the pump down without shutting anything else down and with that said it means I don't have to yank the cords of the pumps out of the outlet if using a power strip or surge protector!!!!!! HTH :)
