Hillary Clinton Plantation Speech


Active Member
There is a disgusiting article on the net called the foul mouthed clintons...full of racial slurs, comments regrding Jews, etc. etc. I'll not link to it Numerous sources are sited. If you care to read it ...it can be found. . I had almost forgot about it...till I got to thinking tonight.
Folks are sometimes not what they apepar to be....despite the window dressing. maybe comments are too far from what is practiced/said behind clsoed doors....maybe not.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
Not only that, but it was a predominantly African American audience and it was something like "it is run like a plantation, and you know what that is like" or similar. I was shocked. But then I was also shocked that New Orleans will be "chocolate."
There is a double standard, IMO, on who can get away with saying some things. While I am finally hearing some somewhat negative comments (more along the lines of "no, its neopolitan - chocolate, vanilla and strawberry") I have a feeling if someone else (white - aka "vanilla" - or republican) it may not have been taken quite so easily.
Is it just me? I found both comments rather shocking, coming from anyone!!!
THe chocolate comment was wrong and I thought rather childish. I believe the commnet made by Clinton exploits the suffering of others. I see a difference between the two...although both should not be said.
I saw on TV tonight where Nagin apologized...has Clinton?
We should expect and DEMAND better from both elected officials.


Active Member
Wow...I missed this one......
Indian-Americans deplore Hillary remarks By TV Parasuram in Washington Saturday, 10 January , 2004, 07:46 The Indian-American Republican Council on Friday asked Senator Hillary Clinton to apologise directly to the Indo-American community for the "outrageous" comments she reportedly made on Mahatma Gandhi.
"It is simply outrageous that Hillary Clinton used the venerable Mahatma Gandhi to perpetuate racial stereotypes," the Councils co-chairman Sudhakar Shenoy said.
Hillary had joked that Mahatma Gandhi used to run a gas station in the US, while speaking at a fund-raiser for Senate candidate Nancy Farmer. She had regretted the comments in the same speech saying Gandhi was a great leader of 20th century.
"Hillary Clinton said she was just making a lame attempt at humour. This is truly shameful. I assure that the Indian American community is not laughing. Humour based on racial slurs has no place in public discourse. We call on Hillary Clinton and Nancy Farmer to apologise directly to Indian Americans," he said.
The comments demonstrate Hillary Clinton does not truly respect our heritage and culture, Shenoy said. "Bill and Hillary Clinton heap lavish praise to our faces, but behind our backs, they use hurtful racial stereotypes that perpetuate ignorance and cause harm to our community," he said.
Hillary had urged Americans in her book It Takes a Village that adults must speak out against racial, ethnic, religious or gender slurs. "It is the height of hypocrisy for her to urge Americans to speak out against ethnic slurs, only to shamelessly make such slurs herself," he said

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by jones
While it may not have been the best choice of words, any argument that Hillary Clinton is racially insensitive is ridiculous, and it would be a very difficult task to try and paint that picture. .
Not to hard at all. How many minorities does she have currently on her staff? Does she meet the Affirmative Action criteria in her own staff? She could never be accussed of running a plantation. Why? Because she doesn't hire minorities.
Now compare those numbers to Bush who has been called a racist on numerous occasions.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darth Tang
Not to hard at all. How many minorities does she have currently on her staff? Does she meet the Affirmative Action criteria in her own staff? She could never be accussed of running a plantation. Why? Because she doesn't hire minorities.
Now compare those numbers to Bush who has been called a racist on numerous occasions.
She has also made shameful/vulgar statements against jews in the past and it surfaced when she ran for Senator.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jones
While it may not have been the best choice of words, any argument that Hillary Clinton is racially insensitive is ridiculous, and it would be a very difficult task to try and paint that picture.
I could bring the information here that proves this statement to be less than accurate ...but it is too vulgar an outrageous to post the quotes.


I think we all need to look into all the politicians we vote for and get to know them a little better than just from sound bites. Voting records speak more of the truth than a sound bite does.
I also know that George Bush and his Mother have BOTH made insensitive and rather stupid comments throughout his presidency. The "underprivledged" comment from Mrs Bush was extremely insensitive and elitist. People didn't carry on about it much though.
Examples can be found on both sides of course, but I wouldn't get carried away with it. GW has hundreds of pages devoted to his malapropisms, and just plain stupidity. But he's president, so it's covered up and he's not given much tv time, in case he screws up. They can't wire him for sound all the time

darth tang

Active Member
What, insensitive comments has Bush made? I am curious as to these, as I have never heard of insensitive, racial comments coming from his mouth.
What was the underprivledged comment made by his mom....I guess I will have to search for that also.

darth tang

Active Member
Found the under-privledged comment. I can see where this would gain some ire. Yet, This woman is not in politics and does not determine policy. So it is no different than Kanye's comments.


ok I must chime in here. Scuba. your right. but... WE SHOULD DEMAND IT!!


Originally Posted by robPSca
ok I must chime in here. Scuba. your right. but... WE SHOULD DEMAND IT!!

Much of what is going on today is for the people….. that has the money to buy certain favors or votes in Capitol Hill. :mad:


Feel free to bring all the racial comments and post them here, I'm sure people would like to see what was said. Feel free to bring all the voting records on policy that affects minorities, the under privileged, the working class, in fact bring the policies that directly affect the entire united states. People pick out a metaphor used by Hillary and claim it's damnable proof as to her character. I think the comment was in poor taste and I'm surprised that she used such an obvious attention grabbing political ploy. But to focus on that one sentence and draw conclusions as to her character is a bit of a stretch, and an attempt draw the focus away from what she was really referring to. If we are going to discuss the character of our elected representatives, a much more intelligent speech was given by Al Gore on the same day as Hillarys guffaw. This however isn't nearly as interesting as a few second sound byte or video clip of Hillary. However, he explained, in a much more graceful fashion, the same thing that Hillary was hinting at. Anyone with a truly open mind would actually read Gores entire speech and not draw conclusions from a couple of sound bytes or short quotes in a conservative rag. The link to his speech is below.


I don't think people fully grasp the seriousness of the situation our country is in right now. We don't have the luxury of voting a partisan ticket because of one or two issues that we've held dearly for a long time. We have to stop being simple minded partisan hate mongers. Lets focus on foreign policy issues and corporate welfare programs that are allowing a situation for corporate America to dismantle environmental protections, workplace health and safety, labor wages to provide a comfortable standard of living, health care, pension plans, these things that have taken decades to accumulate. These things are all experiencing attrition while at the same time the cost for a college education has experienced astronomical inflation over the past few years making it harder for a middle or lower class person to make a move upward. Home prices are outrageous, especially if a family wants to try and move their children out of the slums into a decent middle class neighborhood. Oil prices are obvious, and something that most of us can still tolerate, but how about the senior citizen who just had the pension that they worked their entire life for yanked from under their feet, were put on the bare minimum health care plan that Medicare can provide, and now face a bill to simply heat their home that’s double what it was last year.
We watched what happened at Enron, where peoples livelihoods disintegrated overnight, we've watched what happened at the major airlines where people took drastic cuts in security, wages, health care, and pensions. Just look at the steel industry. Oh wait you can't, because it doesn't exist anymore. It was recently attacked by corporate vultures and dismantled to the point where it virtually doesn't exist in this country, where it was once a thriving industry here. Delphi Corporation is currently in bankruptcy proceedings, the largest corporate bankruptcy in the history of our country. As soon as they filed, smaller auto parts makers were lined up with their filings. Some were simply closing their doors because they couldn’t meet the demands that Delphi and the big 3 auto companies were placing on them. How about the workers at Detroit Diesel who were recently told that after working 30 plus years they will have to pay upwards of fifty percent of their pension just to keep health care after retirement.
These are things that most of us are guilty of looking at and saying, "man, that sucks, hope it doesn't happen to me," or we are naive enough to believe that we are somehow immune to the effects of these economical situations. People tend to not wake up until they are actually hurting. These are not isolated circumstances, they are not simply signs of a new way of business. They are the direct result of a great country that is being poorly managed by lax selfishness and greed straight from the top. The business world has changed and we need to change with it. But putting the focus on simply lowering our standard of living across the country to be more competitive with the rest of the world is simply not the proper, ethical, angle to take, although it may be the easiest when no one at the top wants to take responsibility. How is it that we have a president who was the first in history to go an entire term without vetoing a single thing that crossed his desk. You mean to tell me that of the thousands upon thousands of pages that his conservative buddies placed on his desk, he never found one thing where he thought "nah, this isn't a good idea"? Come on, think about that for a minute.
How dare anyone hint that the current administration is allowing corporate America to reap the benefits and profits off of the backs of the poor struggling working class. Because it's not really true, they are reaping the benefits off of the back of the entire American economy, and they've got too many people blinded by non-issues, and fear tactics to realize that it's even happening. But how dare Hillary say the word "plantation".

37g joe

Wow She knew what she was saying. She wanted to create outrage against the republican party because More and more African americans are looking at all the false promises that the democrats have made and are now voting for the republican's. I was told in High school that it was the democratic party who tried to free the slaves and it was the republican party that tried to keep them enslaved. I knew that was incorect so the next day I brought in a book that showed the facts of how it was the republicans who stoped slavery and fought for the black slaves. This is a fact that they cant ignore But when I raised my hand and told the Teacher what I had found. His exact words (Shut your mouth or you are going to the priciples office!) He yelled this. I got a referal and on my report card it stated how I was a diruptive class mate who had no respect. Thier is a large liberlal majority in the schools and when you stand out and prove what they are saying is an outright LIE your punished.

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by jones
I don't think people fully grasp the seriousness of the situation our country is in right now. We don't have the luxury of voting a partisan ticket because of one or two issues that we've held dearly for a long time. We have to stop being simple minded partisan hate mongers. Lets focus on foreign policy issues and corporate welfare programs that are allowing a situation for corporate America to dismantle environmental protections, workplace health and safety, labor wages to provide a comfortable standard of living, health care, pension plans, these things that have taken decades to accumulate. These things are all experiencing attrition while at the same time the cost for a college education has experienced astronomical inflation over the past few years making it harder for a middle or lower class person to make a move upward. Home prices are outrageous, especially if a family wants to try and move their children out of the slums into a decent middle class neighborhood. Oil prices are obvious, and something that most of us can still tolerate, but how about the senior citizen who just had the pension that they worked their entire life for yanked from under their feet, were put on the bare minimum health care plan that Medicare can provide, and now face a bill to simply heat their home that’s double what it was last year.
We watched what happened at Enron, where peoples livelihoods disintegrated overnight, we've watched what happened at the major airlines where people took drastic cuts in security, wages, health care, and pensions. Just look at the steel industry. Oh wait you can't, because it doesn't exist anymore. It was recently attacked by corporate vultures and dismantled to the point where it virtually doesn't exist in this country, where it was once a thriving industry here. Delphi Corporation is currently in bankruptcy proceedings, the largest corporate bankruptcy in the history of our country. As soon as they filed, smaller auto parts makers were lined up with their filings. Some were simply closing their doors because they couldn’t meet the demands that Delphi and the big 3 auto companies were placing on them. How about the workers at Detroit Diesel who were recently told that after working 30 plus years they will have to pay upwards of fifty percent of their pension just to keep health care after retirement.
These are things that most of us are guilty of looking at and saying, "man, that sucks, hope it doesn't happen to me," or we are naive enough to believe that we are somehow immune to the effects of these economical situations. People tend to not wake up until they are actually hurting. These are not isolated circumstances, they are not simply signs of a new way of business. They are the direct result of a great country that is being poorly managed by lax selfishness and greed straight from the top. The business world has changed and we need to change with it. But putting the focus on simply lowering our standard of living across the country to be more competitive with the rest of the world is simply not the proper, ethical, angle to take, although it may be the easiest when no one at the top wants to take responsibility. How is it that we have a president who was the first in history to go an entire term without vetoing a single thing that crossed his desk. You mean to tell me that of the thousands upon thousands of pages that his conservative buddies placed on his desk, he never found one thing where he thought "nah, this isn't a good idea"? Come on, think about that for a minute.
How dare anyone hint that the current administration is allowing corporate America to reap the benefits and profits off of the backs of the poor struggling working class. Because it's not really true, they are reaping the benefits off of the back of the entire American economy, and they've got too many people blinded by non-issues, and fear tactics to realize that it's even happening. But how dare Hillary say the word "plantation".
What you are complaining about it capitalism for the most part. What you apparently want is socialism. This has been tried in many countries. It doesn't work. It has failed time and time again. Countries that have a system in place with a mixture of both also have a much higher unemployment rate than our own country. Greater Europe has an unemployment rate in the double digits.
You complain Bush hasn't vetoed a bill yet.....Which one should he have vetoed....I am curious.
I agree there is coruption in congress, but that is the case in EVERY government around the world. Why should we be any different?


Originally Posted by Darth Tang
What you are complaining about it capitalism for the most part. What you apparently want is socialism. This has been tried in many countries. It doesn't work. It has failed time and time again. Countries that have a system in place with a mixture of both also have a much higher unemployment rate than our own country. Greater Europe has an unemployment rate in the double digits.
You complain Bush hasn't vetoed a bill yet.....Which one should he have vetoed....I am curious.
I agree there is coruption in congress, but that is the case in EVERY government around the world. Why should we be any different?
No I'm not a socialist. And our system is much more complex than simply capitalism, or simply socialism. Especially in todays world market where our economic situation is directly tied to the rest of the world. Neither one, in fact, in its purist form will ever work. A capitalist angle is neccesary to perpetuate improvement and advances on every front in society. Human nature just happens to be such that most people won't work harder toward improvement unless they stand to personally gain from it. However, stringent safegaurds must be in place to keep in check the greed inherent in capitalism. We are a mix of the two. If not then we wouldn't have any social programs whatsoever, or environmental programs, or laws and policies in any form to protect the public when they can become vunerable to the whims of those with power and money. My complaint is the erosion of those safeguards, the improper handling of the delicate balance between the two. My complaint is about the more and more widely accepted perception that to compete in this world market that we need to take the easy way out and conform to the rest of the world by making our standard of living closer to what they use to compete with in other parts of the world, instead of forcing a situation that keeps our social interests intact, across the board. While I don't advocate a socialist system for obvious reasons, we must keep a tight grip on our social interests, and not simply throw many of them out the door while we try to keep the populations attention focused elsewhere. Not only do we have to take a closer look at the bills that come across the presidents desk that he never ever has a problem with, but we have to stop letting corporate America actually write those bills.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jones
Feel free to bring all the racial comments and post them here, I'm sure people would like to see what was said. Feel free to bring all the voting records on policy that affects minorities, the under privileged, the working class, in fact bring the policies that directly affect the entire united states. People pick out a metaphor used by Hillary and claim it's damnable proof as to her character. I think the comment was in poor taste and I'm surprised that she used such an obvious attention grabbing political ploy. But to focus on that one sentence and draw conclusions as to her character is a bit of a stretch, and an attempt draw the focus away from what she was really referring to. If we are going to discuss the character of our elected representatives, a much more intelligent speech was given by Al Gore on the same day as Hillarys guffaw. This however isn't nearly as interesting as a few second sound byte or video clip of Hillary. However, he explained, in a much more graceful fashion, the same thing that Hillary was hinting at. Anyone with a truly open mind would actually read Gores entire speech and not draw conclusions from a couple of sound bytes or short quotes in a conservative rag. The link to his speech is below.
Not a stretch at all regrding Hillary. Unfortunately, all the comments she has made are not suited for this board due to the content. There is a history out there if you care to search for it.
For the record I was very critical of Bush and the feds initial reaction to Hurricane Katrina which destroyed much of my hometown and did destroy my old neighborhood.
I'm not a kool aid drinker.

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by jones
No I'm not a socialist. And our system is much more complex than simply capitalism, or simply socialism. Especially in todays world market where our economic situation is directly tied to the rest of the world. Neither one, in fact, in its purist form will ever work. A capitalist angle is neccesary to perpetuate improvement and advances on every front in society. Human nature just happens to be such that most people won't work harder toward improvement unless they stand to personally gain from it. However, stringent safegaurds must be in place to keep in check the greed inherent in capitalism. We are a mix of the two. If not then we wouldn't have any social programs whatsoever, or environmental programs, or laws and policies in any form to protect the public when they can become vunerable to the whims of those with power and money. My complaint is the erosion of those safeguards, the improper handling of the delicate balance between the two. My complaint is about the more and more widely accepted perception that to compete in this world market that we need to take the easy way out and conform to the rest of the world by making our standard of living closer to what they use to compete with in other parts of the world, instead of forcing a situation that keeps our social interests intact, across the board. While I don't advocate a socialist system for obvious reasons, we must keep a tight grip on our social interests, and not simply throw many of them out the door while we try to keep the populations attention focused elsewhere. Not only do we have to take a closer look at the bills that come across the presidents desk that he never ever has a problem with, but we have to stop letting corporate America actually write those bills.
I ask again. Which bill or bill should he have vetoed?


Active Member
The Clintons are no different than most of the other Democrats. They tell minorities what they want to hear, do nothing for them and blame it on the Republicans. Bush has probably placed more minorities in key positions than all the Democrat administrations combined.


Active Member
I found a cleaner version..yeah...Hillary is an angel....incapbable of such action.....
According to Michael Kramer in the NY Daily News:
"The slur allegedly was uttered at a heated, finger-pointing session at Bill Clinton's Fayetteville, Ark., campaign headquarters on election night in 1974, following his defeat in his first try for political office, a run for Congress in Arkansas' 3rd Congressional District. In the room that night were Bill Clinton; his then-girlfriend, Hillary Rodham; Paul Fray, Clinton's campaign manager, and Fray's wife, Mary Lee. Another campaign worker, Neill McDonald, was just outside the door and says he heard everything. The story of that encounter has been widely reported before, but without any charge that Hillary Rodham ripped into Paul Fray using an anti-Semitic slur. In interviews with The News on Friday and Saturday, the Frays and McDonald all confirmed that Hillary uttered the slur. McDonald said Hillary was speaking in the "heat of battle" and that he doesn't believe she is an anti-Semite. McDonald added that he is and has always been a supporter of the Clintons."
If that was the end of the story, it might soon fade. But what threatens to turn Clinton into the liberal John Rocker are other reports of anti-Semitic comments by her. In fact, the story was actually broken by Newsmax last fall when former Arkansas state trooper Larry Patterson gave this description to the news service's Christopher Ruddy:
RUDDY: You mentioned that Bill and Hillary Clinton would frequently argue with one another using the worst expletives known to mankind, sometimes in the presence of their daughter Chelsea. One of the comments, you said, was an epithet that they frequently used about Jews. What was that?
PATTERSON: Yeah, they'd use - it was fairly common for both of them to tell ethnic jokes and use ethnic slurs about Jews.
RUDDY: What was the particular epithet that they'd use to each other?
PATTERSON: "Jew Motherf----r", "Jew

RUDDY: They would refer to each other that way in the presence of troopers?
PATTERSON: Yes, that was quite common.
RUDDY: Why do you think they would do that?
PATTERSON: I don't know. ...
RUDDY: There's a couple of things going on here. They would make these clearly anti-Semitic epithets to one another, put-downs.
RUDDY: And this was done, over the course of six years you heard it enough that you knew that it was fairly commonplace between the two of them?
PATTERSON: Right . . .
---- Morris has joined the fracas, repeating his previous claims that on one occasion HR Clinton said to him, "Money, that's all you people care about is money." Morris says he responded, "By money, Hillary, by you people, I assume you mean political consultants?" And she said, 'Oh yes, of course that's what I mean.' But it wasn't what I thought she meant."