Hippo and Powder Blue


Any thoughts on this? I have a Powder Blue and a Hippo. Both have been in the same tank for years. All the sudden the powder has gone insane chasing the hippo in to the rocks. He keeps him at bay in his cave. They are in a 175 bow front and the rest of my tank seems fine. The tank consist of an Epaulette Shark, Surgeon tang, sailfin, P. Puffer, Lunar Wrasse, Hippo Tang, Picasso Trigger and a Powder Blue Tang. I do not know how to stop him. I suspect that someone will get a disease from the stress. What I have noticed is my Powder seems to get white spot on his head daily. I originally thought it was ich, but it comes in goes daily. I now suspect that he is running into the rock chasing the hippo back in and it just is an on going thing. Feeding time is always fun!
Thought on how to get the children to stop fighting?


try also shutting the lights off when you are changing the rock work also do you have any pics sounds like a great looking tank


Originally Posted by swfishonly
try also shutting the lights off when you are changing the rock work also do you have any pics sounds like a great looking tank

I agree... lets see some pics

BTW, how long have you had that combination? The trigger and puffer don't pick at your shark?


I had the same problem a couple of months ago...It turned out that my nitrate level went up a bit and stressed my powder blue out so it went crazy....Do another water change and monitor, of course cchnaging your rocks wont hurt but it didn't work for me...good luck


Active Member
What you are seeing is your Powder Blue (they can be quite aggressive as they mature) reacting to its eviornment. Your tank seems overcrowed to me.
You can rearrange the rock, perform water changes, etc...but this happening is/was predictable eventually given the species in your system and available space.
You may need to thin the herd. ..this will end the aggression.


Sorry for the lack of attention on this thread. I am not sure how it got lost. I will take some pictures and post them tomorrow.
I did move the rock around, several water changes since then and still the same thing. He is mean as hell to the Hippo. I feel terrible. The poor guy will even hide behind the shark to get away from this bully. I even thinned out the herd by one. He is stressing the Hippo to death and banging is nose on the rock chasing him. I am sure this can't end well.
It is stressing me out watching them! So I am still without a clue what to do. Someone always has to have an attitude.


Originally Posted by jcrim
I agree... lets see some pics

BTW, how long have you had that combination? The trigger and puffer don't pick at your shark?
The shark is about 3 months in the tank. All the others have been together for years. They all leave the shark alone. I haven't seen anyone bother him. My puffer is a little guy, maybe 4 inches so he is lucky he hasn't become lunch!


I have removed the Hippo from the tank into a QT tank. He has finally gotten so stressed out from the Powder Blue he has either caused himself to get sick or the running around the rocks has damaged his skin and he is rubbing the bottom, rocks or anything he can find. He is supper stressed. I would have pulled him weeks ago. In fact I have tried, but has anyone tried to catch one of these guys! Lord they are fast and with all the LV in the tank it is almost impossible. I am not sure what to do for his skin. Or with him for that matter. Any suggestions? I am hoping that the lack of the bully will help him relax and heal a bit.


I have removed the Hippo from the tank into a QT tank. He has finally gotten so stressed out from the Powder Blue he has either caused himself to get sick or the running around the rocks has damaged his skin and he is rubbing the bottom, rocks or anything he can find. He is really stressed. I would have pulled him weeks ago. In fact I have tried, but has anyone tried to catch one of these guys! Lord they are fast and with all the LV in the tank it is almost impossible. I am not sure what to do for his skin. Or with him for that matter. Any suggestions? I am hoping that the lack of the bully will help him relax and