Hippo blind, what happened???


Okay, my hippo tang that had ich seemed lik she was doing so well, the ich was gone and color and appetite returned. I think she had popeye, I noticed last night and planned on trying the treatments on the website today but I was too late. OVERNIGHT her color is very pale and her eyes are no longer black, the bubbles aregone over her eyes too. She is swimming into things and keeps getting stuck to the filter. How did she get popeye?? Is it from the ich??? I know she will most likely die and I am deeply saddened. She was one of my favorite fish.
On another note, one o my clowns died suddenly. WTF is going on?? see thread if interested:


Staff member
Can you post up your water readings? How long have you had this fish? Did you treat the ich? Do you have LR and LS in your tank? What are you feeding this fish?
This really is not necessarily the issue at this point, but that size tank is not appropriate for a tang. Tangs really need to have larger tang so that they exercise their natural hard swimming habits. Anyway, as I said, that is not the immediate issue and I don't want it to become an issue in this topic.
Unfortunately, not much you can do with having an established quarantine tank.


Salinity is 1.023, Nitrates at 0, temp at 78, ph is 8.1.
40 lbs live sand, 45 lbs live rock.
I've had the Tang for about a month, I feed mysis, emerald entree, purple seaweed and I am treating the ich with Kick Ich which was working but now she is blind and color is fading by the hour.


Active Member
sometimes when ick gets bad, it can induce a secondary bacterial infection, one type of which can cause cloudiness of the eye and possibly blindness....


Staff member
Kick ick doesn't work. Do you have more fish that have been exposed to the ich?
Cloudy eyes are symptoms of ich.


the others seem fine did water change and the ther fish eyes are clear. Things seem to be normal. Levels are good. Fish are eating, no scratching. I will not let this discourage me. In a couple of weeks I will get some new fish but for now I need to make sure the tanks is OK. Thanks to those who gave advice and tried to help.