hippo color question?


Active Member
i had a hippo for a while now recovering from ich and doing great... the only problem is that the black stripe he has is clear/white in front of his eyes... is it suppose to be like that? he is like 2-3 inches big... the stripe use to be all black, but seems to change color now..
i feed him spirulina (usually 2x a day), omega one flakes, pellets, mysip, cyclopeez
thanx for any help


Active Member
Could be the early stages of HLLE disease. Look at the pics in the Disease FOrum. I believe it is the second thread "Diseased Fish".


Active Member
There should not be any black in FRONT of the eye. It is normal for there to be small holes in the skin in front of the eyes. Look close to make sure they dont look red or slimey. Some times my hippo's black part will turn silver when it sees its reflection and gets mad. This is my hippo, he's 4.5 years old and quite healthy.


Active Member
cool! very nice hippo... i'm thinking that maybe when they are younger they have the black in front of their eyes and then it goes away? i've been seeing that the smaller tangs are like that, but i have never seen any bigger ones with black in the front.. weird.....