Hippo food


I bought a Hippo Tang last night and was reading that it eats a lot of veggies. What do you guys feed yours? Do you chop up and make your own veggie food? I've got some seaweed and tons of frozen and flake food for my other fish.


I also feed my tangs spinach. They love it and their colors get really vivid, but I've heard that it constipates them? True or False?


Active Member
Originally Posted by newfishguy
I bought a Hippo Tang last night and was reading that it eats a lot of veggies. What do you guys feed yours? Do you chop up and make your own veggie food? I've got some seaweed and tons of frozen and flake food for my other fish.
I feed all my herbavores and omnivores a mixture of foods such as
veggie flakes by omega one(am feeding)
THera+A antiparesitic non medicated pellets<by spectrum>(also improves coloring)(mid day feeding)
pm feeding
emerald entrese frozen (algae base with mysis shrimp)
formula 2 frozen algae cubes
a couple times a week I feed seaweed selects as a treat
most of my fish eat all of this during the day , pm feeding I add meaty foods just about all types but brine I do not feed any of my fish brine


Originally Posted by unleashed
I feed all my herbavores and omnivores a mixture of foods such as
veggie flakes by omega one(am feeding)
THera+A antiparesitic non medicated pellets<by spectrum>(also improves coloring)(mid day feeding)
pm feeding
emerald entrese frozen (algae base with mysis shrimp)
formula 2 frozen algae cubes
a couple times a week I feed seaweed selects as a treat
most of my fish eat all of this during the day , pm feeding I add meaty foods just about all types but brine I do not feed any of my fish brine
I have seen where a few people have said that they don't feed brine... Why is this? Does it not have much nutrutional value? Are there any fish that benefit from it?


Active Member
Originally Posted by 27mtaylor
I have seen where a few people have said that they don't feed brine... Why is this? Does it not have much nutrutional value? Are there any fish that benefit from it?

brine has little to no nutritional value for sw fish. if the brine is gutloaded as some do to give some nutritional value the cost of that doesnt even warrent the usage of it IMO.mysis and phlankton and other sw foods are readily available in vit enriched forms .I fully beleive in staying with foods that are readily available in nature to these fish.IMO if it doesnt grow in the ocean it wasnt meant for my fish to eat. ps as to fish that do ben from brine are fw fish brine is a fw species


Thanks unleashed! That makes since what you said "if it doesnt grow in the ocean it wasnt meant for my fish to eat". I may have to take the Brine off my list and switch to something else.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 27mtaylor
Thanks unleashed! That makes since what you said "if it doesnt grow in the ocean it wasnt meant for my fish to eat". I may have to take the Brine off my list and switch to something else.
all my fish love the emerald entrese. also so you dont waste the brine(btw some prefpared foods are also made with brine as a filler(kinda like dog food with corn meal ack).just use very small amounts mixed with other nutritonal foods.but in the future it doesnt make sense to keep buying it



Originally Posted by unleashed
I feed all my herbavores and omnivores a mixture of foods such as
veggie flakes by omega one(am feeding)
THera+A antiparesitic non medicated pellets<by spectrum>(also improves coloring)(mid day feeding)
pm feeding
emerald entrese frozen (algae base with mysis shrimp)
formula 2 frozen algae cubes
a couple times a week I feed seaweed selects as a treat
most of my fish eat all of this during the day , pm feeding I add meaty foods just about all types but brine I do not feed any of my fish brine


Well, just get a bigger tank.
I think they say the minimum should be 75 - 100 gallons. Apparently, they will swim laps around the tank all day long. Mine is just a little guy right now and has plenty of room to swim. He has been hiding since last night and I have yet to seem him today.
Originally Posted by corally
COOL fish. I wish my tank was big enough for one. :happyfish