Hippo Tang and Orange-Shoulder


I have a 75 gallon f/o tank currently housing a juvenile Orange-Shoulder Tang and a Coral Beauty. I've read up on keeping multiple tangs in small tanks and have heard people burn other people for doing it but I'm set on the idea and I think that I'm experienced enough to do it. My dad has done it, my uncle has done it, all without problems so I'm gonna give it a shot. Right now the Orange-
Shoulder is about 3 inches long and he basically dominates the tank. If I was to get a hippo what should I do to introduce him. I know its not good to introduce tangs of the same genus but I've also seen that done too. I was thinking of getting a hippo about the size of a quarter cuz I'd love to watch him grow. Do you think I should take the orange-shoulder out and hold him in quarantine for a few weeks while the hippo gets acclimated or should I divide the tank? Any input (besides anyone who wants to tell me the tank is to small) or suggestions on what do to would be greatly appreciated. Thanx.


well hippos and orange shoulders aren't in the same genus.. hippos are actually in one all of their own .. i have a large red sea purple in a tank with a hippo and they are quite good freinds .. tangs are just funny creatures period.. the other day i sold someone a breeding pair of cinnamon clowns.. very aggresive little sh*ts.. anyway.. they told me they had and IO sailfin tang in the tank. normally this would not be a problem . well the tang attacked the clowns.. within an hour the tang was brought back to me and is now for sale in a tank by himself because he won't let anything else in there with it.. bottom line it's possible very possible.. the just becareful of their temperment.. and good luck