Hippo tang help!!


At first my hippo tank was doing well but I nodiced a little ick on him a few days ago. I treated him wright on the spot. but It hasent made an affect. to make things wose my crabs have been piching at him making his skin and fins realy bad. I dont no what to do any help would vert helpful


Active Member
What did you treat him with?
Do you have a quarantine tank?
What is your tank's pH, kH, salinity, temp, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrates?
How long have you had this fish?


New Member
Hippo tangs are ich prone to say the least. Assume he perpetually has a mild infection. In my experience, build up some hiding places, let him roam the main tank. If it starts getting bad, pull him out and administer copper sulfate or begin hypoing.
My tang refused to eat in the quarantine. So after four or so days of Copper sulfate treatment, I released him back into the display tank. He immediately began eating again. Garlic enriched foods can't hurt either.


Active Member
Anoepheli, copper is never a good idea with copper-sensitive organisms like tangs, angels, puffers, and butterflies. That is most likely the reason your hippo did not eat in the QT. Putting an ich-infested fish in the main tank is NEVER a good idea because then you are just introducing ich to all of your other fish. If you take out the hippo and hypo it, you need to hypo all the fish because the ich is now in the tank.