hippo tang in 55g


only if you know you are going to have to get rid of it when it gets too big. I would say no because you might get attached to it.


My friend has a juvenile hippo tang in his 55 gallon tank but i wouldn't reccommend it. Hippo tangs grow up to 12 inches so you will need to upgrade tanks or give it away after it grows up. They need alot of room to swim and 55 gallons is way too small if you plan on keeping him,


Active Member
Here's the thing about this question; you're going to get a lot of varied opinions from people who have experience with a lot of different scenarios. Most research and personal accounts note that tangs require a fair amount of swimming space when they're adult age. So, if your question had been "can I keep an adult hippo tang in a 55g?" you'd probably get a lot of people screaming no.
Here's my take on this: a juvenile will do fine in a 55 gallon until it reaches a few inches or reaches about 2 or 3 (max) years old. After that it will most certainly need more swimming room. Chances are that you'll grow attached to the fish and won't want to give it away, so here's my suggestion: if you plan on upgrading to a tank that's over 100 gallons (125 or more is what most people will say) sometime within 2 years of getting one, then go for it. That way you know your long term solution won't involve giving it away when it gets too big for the 55.
Now, I don't personally have experience with tangs, though I've done a fair share of reading up on just this very scenario and since I'm going to start on a 180 next year I might just put a juvenile in my 55 to get it growing until the 180 is ready for it. Numerous people have noted that juvenile tangs may be better off in smaller tanks. Anyway, if you get the tang and in 2 years don't upgrade, just be prepared to give it away. Hope that helps.


Active Member
I agree with Monk, if you are going to upgrade then it would be fine short term. I will say though, I have a 3" Hippo Tang that has been in my 125 gal tank (6' long) for only 5 days and I will say she is already a BIG swimmer. Uses the entire tank and is fast. Honestly, even though she is only 3" I couldn't imagine her in a 55 gallon. And I can assure you that you will become attached very quickly. My Hippo tang has a LOT of personality and it's so fun to watch her interact with the other fish.


Active Member
Right now I keep my juvenile Hippo in my 75 and when it gets too big it will go in my 135 .


thnx for all ur input guys. i really appreciate it. i might jus get it and then trade it back to the pet sote in a couple years, wel see.


Active Member
Originally Posted by j-j_02
thnx for all ur input guys. i really appreciate it. i might jus get it and then trade it back to the pet sote in a couple years, wel see.

That's not the best thing to do. Don't purchase livestock in the hopes that you can get rid of it later.


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
That's not the best thing to do. Don't purchase livestock in the hopes that you can get rid of it later.
Agreed. It boggles my mind when people buy a fish they know they will be returning/ getting rid of or have no intention of upgrading.


Also, I wanted to,point out that the tangs need places to hide, so that means live rock and that is even less room in a 55g. We had a blue tang and I wouldn't have been able to trade her in even if she was too big for the tank. We just loved her!
I wouldn't get the tang unless you have a bigger tank. Just because you think you will upgrade to a bigger tank or plan to, doesn't mean it will happen. We have been planning to go to 125-250g for 3 years and it hasn't happened yet because life always gets in the way.


Active Member
Just wait until you get a bigger tank, or if you already have it...Gives you a reason to upgrade...Everyone loves to upgrade..


Active Member
Originally Posted by Razor Vampire
How about a 90 gallon?
Better then a 55 but still not big enough for a Tang that can easily top 10 inches.
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Better then a 55 but still not big enough for a Tang that can easily top 10 inches.
How about a 150 gallons for 10in hippo tang? How big do hippo tangs grow!

I guess that's why they're call "hippo"