Hippo Tang possibly with Ich


Yestrerday I had a power outage for about 30 minutes. Today I noticed my Hippo Tang scrathing against rocks and hanging around my blood shrimp who is cleaning her like crazy. Upon further investigation I noticed that she has some faint spots on her sides that are white but not like usual color of ich, they are really small too. I bought some Kordon Rid Ich+ but noticed that it says it is harmful to live rock and inverts. Anyone have any recommendations on what to do. Salinity is 1.021, ph is 7.8, Ammonia is 0, Nitrates are 0. Any ideas, allother fish are fine.


Staff member
It does sound like ich, which would mean that all your fish have been compromised. There is no reliable bottled medication that can be used in-tank.


Unfortunately, I do not have a QT. Any other things i can do, it seems like the ich is getting worse by the hour, I don't wanna lose this fish. I did a garlic soak with some Mysis and fed but she did not eat. I don't want to lose my whole tank. Thanks for the Hypo suggestion but I need an alternative. Please any other ideas??


Originally Posted by damselz
Unfortunately, I do not have a QT. Any other things i can do, it seems like the ich is getting worse by the hour, I don't wanna lose this fish. I did a garlic soak with some Mysis and fed but she did not eat. I don't want to lose my whole tank. Thanks for the Hypo suggestion but I need an alternative. Please any other ideas??
you could do hypo in your MT, that's what i did. and it worked great! but, no inverts can survive hypo, incl ur LRs. have to take them out for the whole process. desprate measures? copper medications. BUT, it is not advisable doing it in your MT. (as you may have known...)

try reading the FAQ's thread.
Beth got them real good. and pretty sure, somebody will pitch in with their ideas!
sorry..wish i could helped more...


well since you dont have a quarintine n dont wanna kill ur verts and lr and cant use meds or hypo in your display tank... then u have 2 choices.
a)buy and set up a quarintine tank
b) uv sterilizer
well people say uv sterilizers dont work and some do. well i have one and it works great. my lfs runs about 5 in his store and thats why when i bought my yellow n blu tang they didnt have ich. once placed in my tank "w/o uv' then the out breaks came :mad: . after my copperband n baby hippo died due to ich, i gave in and bought the uv and with great results. heres a a couple of pics to back up my words.
b4 uv

after uv *notice my adult hippo is ich free :jumping: and so is yellow.

good luck


ei lazy, can you take a pix on how u installed your UV? thanks!


New Member
One thing you may have success with is the formalin dip. Use aquarium water, and make up a solution of ~200ppm formalin. Net the tang and dip him. Leave him in the water for no longer than sixty minutes, if that. Keep watch over the poor Hippo, and if he starts stressing out, put him back in the main tank immediately.
HOWEVER: the fact that he is still eating and getting cleaned are VERY good signs and he may recover on his own. Hippos are notoriously susceptible to ich, and it may not spread to anything else in the tank, provided proper health.


Thanks for the unput, she is doing much better, appetite isback and color is improving. Ich seem to be gone but she now has bumps on her side. Other than that she is itching a lot less and becoming her old self again. MAN had her appetite increased. Mysis, emerald entree and purple seaweed get devoured by her.
Thanks again