Hippo Tang scraping its head on Rock...


My 1" Hippo tang has been sleeping inside a crevice in my LR since I have gotten him, but he is starting to outgrow the hole and the last couple of days he can not get into the hole without causing 2 fairly large scrapes above its eyes. I know it is not HLLE and it is a very healthy fish so I am wondering if I should plug up the hole so he doesn't hurt himself any further and also if the scrapes will heal.


There are tons of caves and bigger hiding places, but he seems to have found a hole in the back of a piece of rock and claimed it as home


it's not HLLe....the same thing happened to my hippo tang before.....they have a very thin, delicate skin.....it gets easily scratched by tank decor.....but the wound will readily heal in a few days....so no need to worry.....just keep him well-fed...