Hippo Tang Size


I heard all kinds of different things about fish sizes as it relates to their survival in the aquarium but I want to know if its true. Would a quarter size hippo tang have a poorer survival rate as oppossed to a 2.5-3.5 inch hippo. I want to put one in my tank but I'm not sure what size to purchase on-line. I love the little ones cuz they're so cute to watch and its great seeing them grow. What's everyone's opinion?


Just speaking from my research with Dr. Robert Fenner. He doesn't endorse buying any tang under 3 inches, the only exception being the genus Zebrasoma, which the Hippo is not. When too small, they don't have the stamina to withstand the rigors of collection and transport.
Hope that helps. :)


i agree try to go with at least a 3 inch fish.. after all that's pretty small and at three inches that suckers still a baby.. hippos are real sensitive to disease and the fast that one may be very tiny.. doesn't help it's chances.. My Opinion..good luck


Active Member
be careful of ICK!! I purchased a hippo that was very small (1.0") looked tiny in my tank (looked like the yellow tailed damsels I have) the hippo instantly stressed with ICK and I began treatments. This fish is now 3.5" long and doing pretty well.
The thing is with this particular species you must have pretty good water conditions, know what it likes to eat and be prepared for illness.